The mission of the Reproductive Endocrinology/infertility service at Tulane/Lakeside Hospital and University Medical Center are intended to provide the following objectives for Resident education:
- A comprehensive experience in the anatomy, embryology, genetics, endocrinology, pathology, and physiology of reproduction.
- A comprehensive experience in the diagnosis and management of reproductive dysfunction (Infertility) or reproductive control (contraception).
- A comprehensive experience in the diagnosis and management of common endocrinopathies experienced in a gynecological practice.
- Experience in hormonal and surgical management of menstrual disorders.
- A comprehensive experience in the diagnosis and management of the symptoms and sequalae of the menopause (including osteoporosis).
- Hands-on experience with microsurgical, operative laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures.
- Hands-on experience with pelvic ultrasound.
- Exposure to Medical Informatics and Internet-based learning.
- Observation of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures.
Section Members
P. Ronald Clisham, Section Chief