Staff Mentorship Program


Interested in Participating?

Our inaugural season is already underway, but please check back in the Spring 2023 semester for applications for next year's program.


How the Program Works

Mentees that are accepted for the program will be notified shortly after the application deadline. Applications will be sent electronically to interested mentors/mentees. Mentors will receive a mentor training/orientation session. SAIDE will host monthly mentorship luncheons with quarterly guest speakers for the mentor/mentee program and members of SAIDE. The Office of Multicultural Affairs will sponsor a networking event to launch the Mentorship Program cycle, at which time mentors and mentees can meet in an informal setting. Mentees and mentors will receive the date, time, and location of this 'Program Kick-Off Reception' via email.

Once matching is complete, pairs will be notified, and the mentoring process will begin on July 1, 2022.

Once matched, the mentor and the mentee establish mutually agreeable terms for the mentorship relationship. Mentors and mentees meet monthly in person and/or virtually according to an established schedule for one fiscal year.

Who Can Participate?

  • The program encompasses Tulane non-faculty staff employees.
  • Mentors are seasoned Tulane employees and well-respected advisors, coaches, and colleagues that guide and challenge, and who are willing to share their experiences.
  • Mentees are Tulane staff employees interested in career development and who have relatively fewer years of service than mentors.

Eligibility requirements for FY 22-23 program participants include:

  • Staff in exempt and non-exempt (report time hourly) payroll titles
  • Non-probationary employment status by the start of the mentee program
  • Before applying, potential mentees should:
    • Confirm their job classification as a staff member

Vision, Mission, and Goals

The Tulane School of Medicine Staff Mentorship Program is a volunteer program that pairs experienced Tulane staff with newer staff who seek to develop themselves professionally. The program provides a supportive structure in which participants can cultivate contacts, explore challenges, and enhance effectiveness as they design their personal growth and career paths at Tulane. It also provides the opportunity to gather information, develop peer support, learn more about Tulane, and better understand the Tulane organizational culture and opportunities.
Mentoring is a proven approach to accelerating leadership and employee development while increasing retention, engagement, and productivity.

The mission of the Staff Mentorship Program is to assist in the personal and professional success and development of all mentees by offering support and guidance.

The primary goal of the Staff Mentorship Program will be to invest in and strengthen our staff through a commitment to the participant’s individual professional development.
The Mentorship Process will include goal-setting sessions to help mentees achieve their individual personal and professional goals.

Learning Objectives

As a result of the Staff Mentorship Programs, mentors will:

  • Gain knowledge of resources and services that support diversity, inclusion, and equity at Tulane and within the New Orleans community.
  • Develop and follow attainable goals related to the mentee’s personal and professional successes
  • Engage in opportunities for development within the local community

As a result of the Staff Mentorship Program, mentees will:

  • Gain knowledge of resources and services that support diversity, inclusion, and equity at Tulane and within the New Orleans community.
  • Develop and follow attainable, individual goals related to personal and professional successes
  • Identify, create, and follow through with personal strategies for acquiring valuable experience and developing professionally as a Tulane staff member.
  • Engage in opportunities for development within the local community

Program Cycle

The Staff Mentorship Program cycle runs 12
months based on the fiscal year, July 1 - June 30. The application
period will open in June each fiscal year.


Special Session Recordings

  1. September 29, 2022 - DiSC Assessment with Clare Coonan
  2. December 1, 2022 - Networking, Marketing, and Communications with Carolyn Scofield
  3. February 2, 2023 - Personal Interview Skills and Resume Building with Ryan Navarre
  4. March 30, 2023 - Building Long-Term Career Goals and the Pathways to get to them with Mary Brown
  5. May 25, 2023 - Managing Conflict and Challenging Co-Workers with Wendy Smith
  6. July 20, 2023 - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion with Bennetta Horne