Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Laboratory (BANGL)
My laboratory explores how the interaction of genetic and epigenetic factors with early experience, beginning prenatally and even preconception, shapes child neurodevelopment and long-term health. The lab focuses on how this interaction influences boys and girls differently, and whether geographic ancestry and race additionally contribute to differences in long-term health and development. Our translational research seeks to enhance our understanding of how the early parent-child relationship can buffer the impact of early life stress through affecting the different stress response systems, epigenetic pathways, and cellular aging. Our work goes from cells to neurons to neighborhoods and back. Our long-term goal is to find ways to translate research findings into community-driven efforts focused on changing policy and practice to ensure that from the first days of life our children have the greatest opportunity to grow healthy brains and healthy bodies.
Stacy S. Drury, M.D., Ph.D.
Remigio Gonzales MD Professor of Child Psychiatry
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Pediatrics & Associate Director, Tulane Brain Institute
Phone: 504-988-1438
Lab Phone: 504-656-6449