What the Global Health Program at Tulane can do for your career:
The RIGHT program aims to foster a community of practice among physicians across specialties who plan to pursue a career in global health. Participation in the program will connect you with peers and mentors who share a mission to serve as ethically guided advocates for evidence-based, holistic approaches to equitable care, locally and abroad. The program offers supplemental skills, training opportunities and mentorship in order to help residents envision and prepare for a multitude of careers opportunities within the clinical, research, public health and advocacy domains of global health.
The RIGHT Model combines five core components:

- Online 3-year curriculum covering global health basics/ethics, social determinants of health, pre-departure training, tropical medicine, and more.
- Monthly meetings include case-based discussions, journal article reviews, and guest speakers on global health topics and career paths.
- One-on-one mentor with experience in global health and health equity.
Global Health Elective
- Residents may apply for funding to support global health electives.
- Mentors guide individual elective choice to ensure appropriate supervision and educational objectives.
Scholarly project
- Mentor-approved project in an area of interest in global health or health equity culminating in an oral presentation and in some cases leading to publications.
- Global health electives provide the primary basis for scholarly project work.
The RIGHT program is in addition to your current residency expectations. To be accepted into the RIGHT Program you must be in good standing in your current residency program. If accepted you will also need approval from the residency program director. After acceptance, you will be required to attend 60 percent of the RIGHT seminars, complete the online curriculum, complete a scholarly project, and provide a reflection of your experience after each travel event.
Global Health Elective Rotations are selected by agreement between the global health scholar, his/her mentor, and the partner site. Mentors help to connect scholars with organizations that have existing relationships within the Tulane network.
Additionally, all RIGHT scholars will complete a scholarly project. This can range from any of the following:
- A case series
- Clinical research project
- Needs assessment
- Quality improvement
- Educational project
- Blog post
Finally, after completing all work for the RIGHT program, you will receive a completion certificate.