Lab Activities


UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, some or all of the following activities may not occur.

2020 students in the lab

Dr. Li’s lab is one where we value enrichment, and every lab member is like a part of our family.

Dr. Li receives an award surrounded by family

Group Christmas gathering by Christmas tree

We regularly go to several conferences per year such as ASBMR, IADR, or IABMR (where Dr. Li is the Co-Founder and Vice President). This not only is helpful for the furthering of career paths for lab members, but is often a fun outing:

small group of females standing with professor

Dr. Li and another male at a poster conference

female in trench coat points to poster

female in blue sweater at a poster display

We hold in-lab weekly journal clubs, which are always fun and informative! We also hold weekly reports and occasional workshops to guide the members into a better direction.

students in class for lab journal club

students in a classroom at 2 rows of tables

Dr. Li teaching class

While we value academics and research-oriented goals, we believe a healthy body will yield a sound mind. That is why we have occasional physical competitions in many areas such as ping-pong, swimming, basketball, etc. You name it, we play it! (Yearly sports competitions)

students on the volleyball court ready to play

student watch as other students play ping pong

Li Lab flyer showing students having fun

ping-pong tournament

collage of 4 pictures of volleyball players and students receiving certificates

Thanksgiving 2016 group gathering & students in the swimming pool

Best of all, there are prizes for everyone!

excited students show off the prizes they won.

Happy Halloween

Halloween Party

Whenever a lab member leaves, we throw a celebration of their achievements and send them off with a good meal!

Group2 standing for photo at going away party

group1 students standing for photo at going away party

posed seated group at going away party

group standing together holding UAB pathology shirts

a collage of groups of people at a restaurant