Graduation FAQs

Tulane University School of Medicine Class of 2025 Diploma Ceremony

Saturday, May 17, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, The Great Hall

Keynote Speaker:


T4 Activity FAQ: 

What: Senior Photos
When: Monday March 10th & Wednesday March 12th @9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Where: Murphy building – Classroom 1040  
What should I wear? Semi-formal, MillerFoto will provide regalia and diploma tubes for the photo. Please make sure you look how you would like your photo to turn out – you only take this picture once and after it’s taken the photo is sent to be printed; it’s difficult to re-take or resubmit a new photo.
Do I need to make an appointment or can I show up whenever? No – Scheduled times, locations, and contact information for MillerFoto can be found here.
What do I do if I’m not attending? Contact MillerFoto to arrange a retake date to get your picture added to the 2025 class composite. Please follow all instructions for attire. Not taking a photo will result in your image not being included in the final composite you will receive at graduation.  
What: Match Day
When: March 21st @10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Where: Club XLIV & ENCORE in Champions Square
What should I/my guests wear? Casual or Semi-formal (think of a nice family brunch where your picture will most certainly be taken).  
Are there tickets? Yes – wristbands will be available for pick up at the time of SENIOR PHOTOS. Following, wristbands will be available in the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs. Students will then be responsible for issuing them to their guests and those who have negotiated a swap. THERE WILL BE NO WRISTBAND PICK-UP AT THE MATCH DAY VENUE!!!
How many guests are we allowed to have? Each student will receive 1 VIP wristband for student entry and 4 wristbands for their guests. 4th-year class officers will be responsible for wristband swap.
When can I pick them up? Wristbands will be available to collect on March 10th at the time of Senior Photos and available in the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs after. 
Do I need tickets for small children? All guests will be required to wear their wristbands to gain entry. If your guest is old enough to occupy a seat alone, they will need a wristband.
Can someone else collect wristbands for me? We understand this is a busy time for students, so we will allow each student to have 1 person pick up their wristbands on their behalf, but they must sign out for you.
What do I do if I’m not attending? Please contact to inform us of your absence and please consider donating your 4 guests to the class wristband swap!
What if I don’t want to attend the event but would like my physical results? You may arrive at Club XLIV & ENCORE 15 minutes before results will be released (10:45 am) to collect your envelope but please note: we will not be releasing results until 11:00 am when everyone can read them. NRMP sends an email at this time as well, so please do not feel obligated to attend Match just for your results.
I don’t plan on attending Match or arriving late for my results, but I would still like my physical results. What should I do? Student Affairs staff will be bringing back all unclaimed Match results to Murphy, you may pick them up the following Monday, March 24th. We will keep them until you would like to collect them or even mail them to an address of your choice.
Will there be food/drinks at Match Day? There will be light hors d'oeuvres and fun Match Day-themed mocktails!
Do I have to stay for the entire event? You may leave at any point after receiving your results but not before results can be read at 11:00 am. Student Affairs encourages you to celebrate Match however you see fit, we will be live-streaming the event as well to cater to the unique ways in which students may want to host personal Match events.
What: Ivy day
When: May 16th Reception @2:00 pm, Ceremony @3:00 pm  
Where: Hutch lobby and auditorium  
What should I/my guests wear? Semi-formal
Are there tickets? There are no tickets for this event, but guests are limited to award recipients in the class of 2024; Ivy Day recipients will be notified in early May if they’ve received an award of any kind. 
How many? There is no limit to Ivy Day guests, but please be courteous of your peers' guests and not exceed 10.
What do I do if I’m not attending? Student Affairs will keep your awards and have them available for your pickup the following Monday. If you leave town before collecting your awards, please contact and arrange to have them mailed to a location of your choice.
Will there be food/drinks? There will be a small reception at 2:00 pm in the lobby of Hutch consisting of light refreshments.
What: Tulane School of Medicine Diploma Ceremony
When: May 17th @12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Where: Morial Convention Center – The Great Hall (1st Floor)
What should I/my guests wear? Students must wear regalia to participate in the ceremony. Dress semi-formal with your regalia. Please note: graduation is in May which is the beginning of summer in New Orleans, it will be very warm. Dress comfortably (share this with your guests)!!! 
Are there tickets? How many? No – Guests for students are unlimited.
Is there anything I need to do to attend graduation? Yes – Please visit the Student Affairs website to order your regalia, complete the Special Hooder form (opens 1/6/25, closes 4/18/25), and complete the Graduation Checklist.  
What do I do if I’m not attending? Please notify Kim Melerine in the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs that you will not be attending graduation. Your diploma and composite can be mailed to the location of your choice.  
Will there be food/drinks? There will not be any subsequent receptions for commencement.  
Is Unified Commencement mandatory? No – however, the university does a splendid job of honoring students’ hard work and achievements with phenomenal guest speakers. Though not mandatory, you are encouraged to attend with your guests for a full Tulane Commencement experience. 


Honor cords will be available for pickup from Student Affairs. You may also collect them at commencement in the student room.

If you submitted a Special Hooder Form after the deadline of April 18th, your entry was not included in the final list for the seating chart and you will be hooded by the class sponsor. 


  • Graduates report to the New Orleans Convention Center
  • Parents, guests, etc. will not be allowed in the graduate-robing room at ANY time.
  • If you arrive after the procession has begun, you will not be able to take your seat until after the ceremony begins: please be sure to be on time.
  • We will only be in this room before the ceremony, please keep your personal items with you at all times. You will not be able to return to retrieve them. Student Affairs will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items left in any robing areas once we exit.
  • Graduates will not be allowed in the hooder-robing room at any time. Your Special Hooders have been contacted separately with instructions regarding the ceremony.
  • NO FOOD OR DRINKS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE GREAT HALL. We will have water stations available for those with refillable bottles, but please tell your guests not to bring food or drinks into the theater and encourage them to dispose of all trash in the garbage bins available.


  • Each graduate will be paired with their special hooder at the line-up during diploma distribution. PLEASE GIVE YOUR HOOD TO YOUR HOODER AS YOU APPROACH THE STAGE.
  • Staff will be placed on either side of the rows to guide you, we know this is a very exciting time and you're all very proud, but please pay attention as your rows are being called to the front!
  • There will be several professional photographers at the ceremony, please refrain from breaking the line to offer your guests photo opportunities.
  • After the ceremony, please stay in your seat until it is time to exit your row and please stay in line until you have exited the theater.
  • Please also refrain from leaving anything behind in the Great Hall. Immediately following the last guest, the Convention Center staff begins to break down the room. Student Affairs will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items left in the Great Hall upon the conclusion of the ceremony.
  • Guests needing ADA accommodations – Please see staff for further information.


NOTE: After commencement, the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs will forward your file to the Office of Graduate Medical Education.

For information about diploma copies, contact Graduate Medical Education at (504) 988-5464

Any information needed from your file will be sent through the Office of Graduate Medical Education. Information regarding credentialing can be found here.

For questions, please e-mail