Mon-Fri, 8:00 - 5:00pm
Central Time
Tulane Doctors - Metairie
Tulane Doctors Mid-City Clinic
Tulane Doctors -
Tulane Doctors - TCARD
Tulane Doctors - Behavioral Health: Adult Psychiatry - Downtown
Clinical services by physicians and other faculty in the Department of Psychiatry are provided at numerous sites. Most services are provided at Tulane Medical Center (also known as Tulane University Hospital and Clinics, TUHC) which has its main campus in downtown New Orleans. You can find a doctor through the Web site www.tulanehealthcare.com. Appointments can be made by calling (504) 988 5800 or (800) 588 5800.
Tulane physicians also provide clinical care and teaching at the University Medical Center of New Orleans (UMCNO), the New Orleans facility of the state system of Charity Hospitals. This facility is jointly staffed by Tulane University and LSU physicians. The Department of Psychiatry also provides faculty physicians for the Veterans Affairs system in New Orleans. The VA system in New Orleans and the surrounding area operates several outpatient clinics and an urgent care center. Inpatient services of the VA for eligible veterans are provided at Tulane Medical Center.
Our Doctors
Sara Gershen, LCSW
Vininder "Vinnie" Khunkhun, MD
Ashley Weiss, DO, MPH
Clinic Locations
Tulane Doctors - Behavioral Health Clinic - Metairie
For Appointments: 504-988-7250
Tulane Doctors - Behavioral Health Clinic - Metairie
4641 Fairfield St., Suite F
Metairie, LA 70006
Phone: 504-988-7250 for appointments
Fax: 504-988-7251 fax
Free parking
Tulane Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychology Services (T-CAPPS)
For Appointments: 504-988-5405
Tulane Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychology Services (T-CAPPS)
131 South Robertson Street, 14th floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: 504-988-5405
Fax: 504-988-4264
Tulane Doctors Mid-City Clinic
For Appointments: 504-988-0301
Tulane Doctors Mid-City Clinic
4000 Bienville St., Suite G
New Orleans, LA 70119
Phone: 504-988-0301
Early Psychosis Intervention Clinic
Tulane Addiction Clinic
Tulane Doctors - Behavioral Health: Adult Psychiatry - Downtown
For Appointments: 504-988-5405
Tulane Doctors - Behavioral Health: Adult Psychiatry - Downtown
131 South Robertson Street,
14th Floor, C
New Orleans, LA 70112