The Importance of Research
Research is the driving force for all medical advancement. Research experiences teach the critical thinking skills which are vital for evidence-based and value-based medicine. While research experiences are increasingly important for residency applications, they can also provide a start in academic medicine.
Getting Started in Research
Step 1. Assess your free time- It is important that you are honest about the time you can commit to research. Your first responsibility is to passing your classwork. Do not allow research to prevent that. If you can make the time, determine what kind of research experience you would like. There are short-term research experiences, the 8 week summer experience (ASPIRE program), the 4 year research with distinction (formerly DeBakey) program as well as year out experiences and the MD/PhD program.
Step 2. Determine your interests- The goal of performing research in medical school is to have experiences that will allow you to develop intellectually and produce scholarly products (publications, posters and presentations at local and national meetings). Given the time constraints on students, it is strongly suggested that focus on research that you have interest in and that aligns with your career goals.
Step 3. Find a project and mentor- All student research requires mentorship. There are a number of ways to find mentors. You can view the list of mentors by departments here. You can also find a list of program directors here.
What Research Opportunities are Available at TUSOM?
Tulane University School of Medicine encourages and supports medical student participation in research and scholarly activities. The Research Network website is designed to assist students in identifying their interests, finding suitable research projects, and matching them with mentors within our research community.
Click here to explore and apply for projects.
See below for basic information related to the different types of research, including the relevant contact person, should you have questions.
If you are interested in basic/bench research, please click here for a list of faculty engaged in research.
Should you have any questions or need information, please contact Dr. Derek Pociask.
For students interested in research in one of the core clerkship departments, please contact the individuals listed below:
• Psychiatry: Dr. Erin Stanton
• Pediatrics: Dr. Margee Huntwork
• Family Medicine: Dr. Kiernan Smith or Adam Peltz
• Neurology: Devan Orellana
• Surgery: Dr. Danielle Tatum
• Ob/Gyn: Dr. Chi Dola
• Internal Medicine: Dr. Matthew Burow
If you are seeking other departmental-specific research opportunities, the Specialty Career Websites all have a contact person or instructions on how to get involved listed under "Research."
Clinical/Translational Research
Student must watch the following video prior to seeking a clinical/translational research opportunity
Contact Dr. Vivian Fonseca for more information.
Students interested in medical education research should contact Dr. Guen Rae or Dr. Chayan Chakraborti for more information.
Physician Scientist MD/PhD Program
Students interested in the Ph.D/MD program should contact BMS@tulane.edu for more information.
More information on this program can be found here.
To see some of the scholarly activities of current PSP students, see here.
Population & Public Health Research
Students interested in population and public health research should contact Dr. Tonette Krousel-Wood for more information.
If you are interested in the MD/MPH program’s research opportunities, more information can be found here
External Research Training Opportunities
Looking for ways to enrich your medical school experience? Check out the AAMC’s Directory of clinical and research opportunities.
The NIH Clinical Center offers training to help prepare the next generation of translational and clinician scientists. Innovative programs include summer internships, postbaccalaureate fellowships, clinical elective rotations, medical student research programs, graduate medical education, and continuing medical education.
Click HERE for available opportunities.
Statistical Support

As you engage in research, having a solid understanding of statistical methods is essential for drawing meaningful and accurate conclusions. Whether you’re seeking guidance on study design, data analysis techniques, interpretation of results, or need expertise in more advanced statistical modeling, the School of Medicine offers the following resources to support your work: Dr. Tim Niu offers biostats consultations for medical student research projects
Tulane’s LA CaTS Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design (BERD) Core provides expert guidance in support of clinical and translational research. In this pursuit, the BERD group provides front-end assistance to investigators (requests for support made by the PI) to ensure the use of statistically sound practices which facilitates properly designed and statistically valid studies.