Benjamin L. Triche, MD
Associate Professor

Benjamin L. Triche, M.D. obtained his undergraduate degree at Loyola University in New Orleans, LA followed by medical school training at LSU-HSC in New Orleans, LA. After finishing radiology residency training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), he completed an abdominal imaging and intervention fellowship at the University of Wisconsin- Madison.
Dr. Triche is currently a Clinical Associate Professor in the Body Imaging section at VA. He also serves as Assistant Program Director for the radiology residency and Director of Medical Student Education for the radiology department. Clinically, Dr. Triche focuses on specialized abdominopelvic imaging, particularly ultrasound and MR. His main research interests are genitourinary imaging, specifically in regards to prostate cancer, where he has lectured both nationally and internationally.
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Triche BL, Nelson JT, McGill NS, Porter K, Sanyal R, Tessler FN, McConathy JE, Gauntt DM, Yester MV, Singh SP. Recognizing and Minimizing Artifacts at CT, MRI, US and Molecular Imagining. Radiographics Fundamentals. July-August 2019.
Zhang Y, Wells SA, Triche BL, Kelcz F, Hernando D. Stimulated-echo diffusion-weighted imaging with moderate b-values for the detection of prostate cancer. European Radiology. 30: 3236-3244 (2020).
Colvin SD, Donaldson SL, Cason D, Galgano S, Triche BL, Gordetsky J, Rais-Bahrami S, Porter KK. Fusion of High B-value Diffusion-weighted and T2-weighted MR Images Increase Sensitivy for Identification of Extraprostatic Disease in Prostate Cancer. Clinical Imaging. 68: 202-209. Dec 2020.
Curci NE, Triche BL, Abel EJ, Bhutani G, Maciolek KA, Dreyfuss LD, Allen GO, Caoili EM, Davenport MS, Wells, SA. Effect of iodinated contrast material on post-operative eGFR when administered during renal mass ablation. European Radiology. 31(8):5490-5497. Jan 2021.
Koller C, Fustok J, Hua J, Triche BL, Hellstrom W, Khera M, Raheem O. Unilateral Corporal Cavernosum Partial Thrombosis: A Challenging Presentation and Management. Urology. 152:12-14. Feb 2021.
Goddard SA, Tran DQ, Chan MF, Honda MN, Weidenhaft MC, Triche BL. Pulmonary Vein Thrombosis in COVID-19. CHEST. 159(6): 361-364. May 2021.