Rebecca Kemnitz, MD, MPH

Internal Medicine Pediatrics Residency

School of Medicine
Rebecca Kemnitz, MD

Education & Affiliations

MD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
MPH, Tulane University, New Orleans
Undergraduate, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh


What is your hometown?
Wausau, WI

What part of town do you live in?
Mid City

What are the strengths about Tulane’s Program?
The patients! Because of the many hospitals that we rotate with, we have exposure to patients from a variety of social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. All of our patients have their own lives, stories, careers, and interests and you get the privilege to care for them when they are on your service or in your clinic. You may be caring for someone who played in a jazz band, cooked amazing New Orleans dishes for popular restaurants, or makes amazing art. Knowing the unique aspects of all of our patients helps our medical care go beyond the science and keeps us grounded in the humanity of who we care for.

What do you like to do outside of medicine?
My undergrad degree is in English Literature, so I’m a pretty speedy reader and I do a little bit of creative writing for my own relaxation/wellness. I enjoy running outside, which New Orleans is great for since it’s so flat (as long as it’s not too hot!)

What’s your relationship like with your co-residents?
The program is extremely close. I have friends in all years of the program and have met some of my best friends that I know will stay close after graduation because of our shared experiences together. My class does an annual class picture where we meet up at the start of each year in the program and an annual holiday card mid-year so we have at least two get-togethers every year (beyond our more spontaneous and informal gatherings, which usually happen at least once a week!)

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