Tianhua "Tim" Niu
Research Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise
Elucidating molecular and genetic mechanisms for a variety of human complex diseases encompassing cardiovascular disorder (CVD), asthma and airway hyperresponsiveness, osteoporosis
and bone mineral density (BMD), type 2 diabetes and obesity, nicotine dependence, reproductive health, and several types of cancer (e.g., breast cancer, skin cancer and colorectal cancer), and gene expression (gene panel- or transcriptome-based) data analysis for experimental animal models and human studies.
Biostatistics and bioinformatics method development and applications; Statistical genetics, e.g., Bayesian haplotype inference and computational molecular evolution; Genomics, transcriptomics and epigenomics, e.g., multi-genetic marker association studies, differential expressions of mRNAs and non-coding RNAs, and differential chromatin modification analysis; and Clinical trials, e.g., clinical trial design, sample size and power estimations, and data analysis