Lizheng Shi, PhD, MsPharm, MA

School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Lizheng Shi, PhD, MsPharm, MA

Education & Affiliations

PhD, Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, University of Southern California
MA, Economics, University of Southern California
MS, Pharmacy, Peking Union Medical College
BS, Pharmacy, Shanghai Medical University


Lizheng Shi trained as a pharmacist (BS in pharmacy 1992, MS in pharmacy 1994) through Shanghai Medical University and Peking Union Medical College, respectively. He has also trained as an economist (MA in economics 1998, PhD in pharmaceutical economics and policy 2001) through the University of Southern California. He is the Regents professor and vice chair in the department of global health policy and management, and he serves as clinical faculty in departments of medicine (endocrinology) and psychiatry. He is the director for Health Systems Analytics Research Center (HSARC). He is a member of editorial board for Pharmacoeconomics. Dr. Shi’s current research interest includes health technology assessment and health care quality, access and economics. He is also interested in pharmacoepidemilogy with a focus on safety issues in medication treatment and health informatics to improve quality and safety of patient care. He has served as principal investigators (PI) and co-PI for more than 30 research grants and contracts from NIH, AHRQ, PCORI, and other public and private funding sources.


Health Technology Assessment

Health Economics

Health Policy


Please view Dr. Shi's publications at his NCBI profile page.