Walter Lee Murfee, III, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Education & Affiliations
Current Projects
1. Identification of Cellular Dynamics Involved in Angiogenesis
2. Identification of Lymphatic Structure and Function in Adult Microvascular Networks
3. The Influence of Structural Remodeling Associated with Hypertension on Network Resistance
My primary research aim is to apply in vivo, in vitro, and computational bioengineering approaches to better understand the regulation of adult microvascular patterning and the functional relationships between microvascular remodeling and other network remodeling processes such as neurogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Associated active areas of interest include perivascular cell lineage and dynamics, the importance for arterial/venous identity, the influence of local hemodynamics, and altered microvascular network patterns associated with hypertension. In general, the work in my laboratory will provide valuable insight for the engineering of functional vascularized tissues and for understanding vascular dysfunction associated with multiple pathological conditions, such as hypertension, tumor growth, and wound healing.
Stapor PC, Murfee WL. (2011) Identification Of Class III b-Tubulin As A Marker of Angiogenic Perivascular Cells. Microvascular Research. (Epub ahead of print). (Cover Illustration)
Yang M, Aragon M, Murfee WL. (2011) Angiogenesis In Mesenteric Microvascular Networks From Spontaneously Hypertensive Versus Normotensive Rats. Microcirculation. Oct; 18(7): 574-582.
Forouzan O, Burns JM, Robichaux JL, Murfee WL, Shevkoplyas SS. (2011) Passive recruitment of circulating leukocytes into capillary sprouts from existing capillaries in a microfluidic system. Lab on a Chip. Jun 7; 11(11): 1924-1932.
Stapor PC, Wang W, Murfee WL, Khismatullin DB. (2011) The Distribution of Fluid Shear Stresses in Capillary Sprouts. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 2(2): 124-136.
Tran ED, Yang M, Chen A, DeLano FA, Murfee WL and Schmid-Schönbein GW. (2011) Matrix Metalloproteinase Activity Causes VEGFR-2 Cleavage and Microvascular Rarefaction in Mesentery. Microcirculation. April; 18(2): 228-237.
Murfee WL, Rappleye JW, Ceballos M, Schmid-Schonbein GW. Discontinuous Expression of Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecules along Initial Lymphatic Vessels in Adult Rat Mesentery: The Primary Valve Structure. Lymphatic Research and Biology, In Press, 2007.
Binder KW, Murfee WL, Song J, Laughlin MH, Price RJ. Computational Network Model Prediction of Hemodynamic Alterations Due to Arteriolar Remodeling in Interval Sprint Trained Skeletal Muscle. Microcirculation, 14: 181-192, 2007.
Taylor AC, Murfee WL, Peirce SM. EphB4 Expression along Adult Microvascular Networks: More than a Venous Specific Marker. Microcirculation, 14: 253-267, 2007.
Murfee WL, Rehorn MR, Peirce SM, Skalak TC. Perivascular Cells along Venules Upregulate NG2 Expression During Microvascular Remodeling. Microcirculation, 13: 261-273, 2006.
Murfee WL, Hammett LA, Evans C, Xie L, Squire M, Rubin C, Judex S, Skalak TC. High-Frequency Low Magnitude Vibrations Suppress the Number of Blood Vessels per Muscle Fiber in Mouse Soleus Muscle. Journal of Applied Physiology, 98: 2376-2380, 2005.
Murfee WL, Skalak TC, Peirce SM. Differential Arterial/Venous Expression of NG2 Proteoglycan in Perivascular Cells Along Microvessels: Identifying a Venule-Specific Phenotype. Microcirculation, 12(2): 151-160, 2005.
Murfee WL, Van Gieson EJ, Price RJ, Skalak TC. Cell Proliferation in Mesenteric Microvascular Network Remodeling in Response to Elevated Hemodynamic Stress. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 32(12): 1662-1666, 2004.