Loren Gragert, PhD
Assistant Professor, Div. of Biomedical Informatics & Genomics

Education & Affiliations
Visit the Gragert Lab at Tulane Cancer Center by clicking here.
Highlighted Publications:
Gragert L, Fingerson S, Albrecht M, Maiers M, Kalaycio M, Hill BT. (2014) Fine- Mapping of HLA Associations with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in US Populations. Blood 124(17), 2657-65.
Gragert L,EapenM,WilliamsE,FreemanJ,SpellmanS,BaittyR,HartzmanR, Rizzo JD, Horowitz M, Confer D, Maiers M. (2014) HLA Match Likelihoods for Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Grafts in the U.S. Registry. New England Journal of Medicine 371, 339–348.
Gragert L,MadboulyA,FreemanJ,MaiersM.(2013)Six-locushighresolution HLA haplotype frequencies derived from mixed-resolution DNA typing for the entire US donor registry. Human Immunology 74, 1313–1320.
PaunićV*,GragertL*,MadboulyA,FreemanJ,MaiersM.(2012)Measuring Ambiguity in HLA Typing Methods. PLoS ONE 7(8):e43585. *Equal Contributions
Abi-Rached,L,Jobin,M,Kulkarni,S,McWhinnie,A,Dalva,K,Gragert,L,etal. (2011) The Shaping of Modern Human Immune Systems by Multiregional Admixture with Archaic Humans. Science, 334(6052), 89-94.
Other Publications:
PetzLD,BurnettJC,LiH,LiS,TonaiR,BakalinskayaM,ShpallS,ArmitageS, Kurtzberg J, Regan D, Clark P, Querol S, Gutman J, Spellman S, Gragert L, Rossi J. (2015) Progress toward curing HIV infection with hematopoietic cell transplantation. Stem Cells Cloning 8: 109–16.
SlaterN,LouzounY,GragertL,MaiersM,ChatterjeeA,AlbrechtM.(2015)Power Laws for Heavy-Tailed Distributions: Modeling Allele and Haplotype Diversity for the National Marrow Donor Program. PLoS Computational Biology 11, e1004204s.
MadboulyA,GragertL,FreemanJ,etal.(2014)Validationofstatistical imputation of allele-level multilocus phased genotypes from ambiguous HLA assignments. Tissue Antigens 84(3), 285–92.
EberhardHP,MadboulyAS,GourraudPA,BalereMA,GragertL,TorresHM, Pingel J, Schmidt AH, et al. (2013) Comparative validation of computer programs for haplotype frequency estimation from donor registry data. Tissue Antigens 82(2), 93-105.
MiliusRP,MackSJ,HollenbachJA,HeuerML,GragertL,etal.(2013) Genotype List String: a grammar for describing HLA and KIR genotyping results in a text string. Tissue Antigens 82, 106–12.
PetzLD,RedeiI,BrysonY,ReganD,KurtzbergJ,ShpallE,GutmanJ,Querol S, Clark P, Tonai R, Santos S, Bravo A, Spellman S, Gragert L, Rossi J, Li S, Li H, Senitzer D, Zaia J, Rosenthal J, Forman S, Chow R. (2013) Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation with Cord Blood for Cure of HIV Infections. Biology of Blood Marrow Transplantation 19, 393–7.
MaiersM,GragertL,MadboulyA,etal.(2013)16(th)IHIW:Globalanalysisof registry HLA haplotypes from 20 Million individuals: Report from the IHIW Registry Diversity Group. International Journal of Immunogenetics, 40(1):66–71.
HollenbachJA,MadboulyA,GragertL,etal.(2012)AcombinedDPA1~DPB1 amino acid epitope is the primary unit of selection on the HLA-DP heterodimer. Immunogenetics, 64(8):559–69.
KlitzW,GragertL,TrachtenbergE.(2012)SpectrumofHLAassociations:the case of medically refractory pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Immunogenetics, 64(6):409–19.
Klitz, W., Gragert, L, Maiers, M., Fernandez-Viña, M., Ben-Naeh, Y., Benedek, G., Brautbar, C., Israel, S. (2010). Genetic differentiation of Jewish populations. Tissue Antigens 76(6), 442-58.
Klitz W, Gragert L, Maiers M, Tu B, Lazaro A, Yang R, Xu Q, Masaberg C, Ng J, Hurley CK (2009) Four-locus high-resolution HLA typing in a sample of Mexican Americans. Tissue Antigens 74: 508-513
Klitz W, Maiers M, Gragert L (2008) Re-creation of the genetic composition of a founder population. Human Genetics 124: 417-421
Howard DH, Meltzer D, Kollman C, Maiers M, Logan B, Gragert L, Setterholm M, Horowitz MM (2008) Use of cost-effectiveness analysis to determine inventory size for a national cord blood bank. Medical Decision Making 28: 243-253
Kollman C, Maiers M, Gragert L, Muller C, Setterholm M, Oudshoorn M, Hurley CK (2007) Estimation of HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 haplotype frequencies using mixed resolution data from a national registry with selective retyping of volunteers. Human Immunology 68: 950-958
Maiers M, Gragert L, Klitz W (2007) High-resolution HLA alleles and haplotypes in the United States population. Human Immunology 68: 779-788
Committee on Establishing a National Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank Program, Emily Ann Meyer, Kathi Hanna, and Kristine Gebbie, Editors. Cord Blood: Establishing a National Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank Program, Institute Of Medicine of the National Academies, (2005) Appendix E: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Increasing Cord Blood Inventory Levels David H Howard, Martin Maiers, Craig Kollman, Brent Logan, Loren Gragert, and Michelle Setterholm http://www.iom.edu/report.asp?id=26386
1. Petz LD, Spellman S, Gragert L. (2011) Cord Blood: Biology, Transplantation, Banking, and Regulation. Chapter 32: The Underutilization of Cord Blood Transplantation: Extent of the Problem, Causes, and Methods of Improvement. AABB Press. Bethesda, MD.
Manuscripts in Preparation:
1. Tokai H, Mi T, Gragert L, Maiers M, Najjar A, Ang S, Maiti S, Dai J, Switzer K, Huls H, Dulay G, Reik A, Rebar E, Holmes M, Gregory P, Champlin R, Shpall E, Cooper L. Genetic Engineering Of Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Improve the Chance for Racial Minorities to match with Allogeneic Unrelated Donors. Submitted.
GragertL,FingersonS,AlbrechtM,MaiersM,BrusicV,NathanD,ReinherzE, Sieff C. HLA Associations with Severe Aplastic Anemia Indicate Autoimmune Etiology. In preparation.
Beksac,M*,GragertL*,FingersonS,MaiersM,ZhangMJ,AlbrechtM,Zhong X, Cozen W, Dispenzari A, Lagal S, Hari P. HLA-C alleles are associated with Multiple Myeloma Risk among US individuals. In preparation.
KransdorfEP,GragertL,ChengM,SteidleyDE,PandoMJ,ScottRL,MaiersM, Pajaro O. A Novel Human Leukocyte Antigen Matching Score Improves Prediction for Rejection After Heart Transplantation. In preparation.
AlterI,GragertL,FingersonS,MaiersM,AlbrechtM,LouzounY.MHCdiversity in the population is determined by alleles balancing selection and haplotypes purifying selection. In preparation.
AlbrechtM,SchneiderJ,MadboulyA,GragertL,MaiersM,ChatterjeeS.On Modeling Coverage Gaps in Haplotype Frequencies for Transplant Matching via Copula Regression. Submitted.
7. GragertL,GreenwoodS,HortensiusE,Busse,A,HalaganM,FreemanJ, Williams E, Albrecht M, Maiers M, Horowitz M, Rizzo D, Confer D, Boo M. An Efficient Recruitment Allocation Model for the US Unrelated Stem Cell Donor Registry. In preparation.
Conference Abstracts:
Gragert,L.,Albrecht,M.,Bashyal,P.,Besse,K.,Maiers,M.(2015)Improved HLA-based Race/Ethnic Classification Using Donor Geography and Census Demographic Data. 85: 350-350.
Halagan,M.,Stein,J.,Manor,S.,Madbouly,A.,Gragert,L.,Shriki,N.,Yaniv,I., Maiers, M., Zisser, B. (2015) HLA Diversity in the Ezer MIzion Registry. 85: 401- 402.
Halagan,M.,Gragert,L.,Hurley,CK.,Masaberg,C.,Maiers,M.(2015)HLA Class II Six-Locus DRB1~DRB3/4/5~DQA1~DQB1~DPA1~DPB1 High Resolution Haplotype Frequencies of the Major US Populations. Tissue Antigens 85: 401-401.
Kransdorf,EP.,Gragert,L.,Cheng,M.,Steidley,DE.,Scott,RL.,Pando,MJ., Maiers, M., Pajaro, OE. (2015) A Novel Human Leukocyte Antigen Score Improves Prediction for Rejection After Heart Transplant. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 34: S114-S114.
Gragert,L.,Albrecht,M.,DiPrima,S.,Maiers,M.(2014)Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Testing of Ambiguous HLA Typing. Tissue Antigens 84: 29-29.
Paunic,V.,Williams,E.,Schneider,J.,Klug,J.,Gragert,L.,Ayim,J.,Maiers,M. (2014) Typing Ambiguity Score: A New Measure for Quantifying HLA Typing Ambiguity and its Incorporation Into HaploStats. 84:15-15.
DiPrima,S.,Albrecht,M.,Kalaycio,M.,Hill,B.,Gragert,L.,Maiers,M.(2014) Factor Analysis Reveals Patterns in HLA Disease Association Otherwise Missed by Logistic Regression. Tissue Antigens 84: 16-17.
Torikai,H.,Mi,TJ.,Gragert,L.,Maiers,M.,Najjar,A.,Ang,S.,Maiti,S.,Switzer, KC., Huls, H., Reik, A., Rebar, E., Holmes, MC., Gregory, PD., Champlin, RE., Shpall, EJ., Cooper, LJN. (2014) Genetic Editing To Preclude HLA-A Expression on Hematopoietic Stem Cells-Improving the Chance of Finding an HLA-Matched Donor. Molecular Therapy 22, S274-S274.
Gragert,L.,DiPrima,S.,Albrecht,M.,Maiers,M.,Kalaycio,M.,andHill,B.T. (2013) HLA Is a Determinant Of The Ethnic Predisposition Of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Blood 122.
10.Torikai, H., Mi, T., Ang, S.O., Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Maiti, S., Switzer, K., Huls, H., Reik, A., Holmes, M.C., et al. (2013). ZFN-Driven Gene Editing Prevents HLA-A Expression On Hematopoietic Stem Cells -Improving The Chance Of Finding An HLA-Matched Donor. Blood 122.
11.Gragert, L., Paunic, V., Schneider, J., and Maiers, M. (2013) HLA Typing Ambiguity of Sequence-Specific Oligonucleotide Typing Protocols. Human Immunology 74, 146–146.
12.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Turner, V., Setterholm, M., Malmberg, C., Kempenich, J., Senitzer, D., Gendzekhadze, K., Yu, N., and Fernandez-Vina, M. (2013) Evaluation of Impact of Updates to the Common and Well Documented Allele List (CWD2) on HLA Typing of US Populations. Human Immunology 74, 35–35.
13.Paunic, V., Gragert, L., Schneider, J., Ambadipudi, C., and Maiers, M. (2013) Typing Ambiguity Score - A Standardized Measure for Evaluating Ambiguity. Human Immunology 74, 153–153.
14.DiPrima, S., Gragert, L., Albrecht, M., Zhang, M.-J., Zhong, X., Hari, P., Beksac, M., and Maiers, M. (2013) Extension of Relative Predispositional Effects (RPE) Method to Handle Multiple Imputation And Multivariate Regression. Human Immunology 74, 142–142.
15.Gragert, L., DiPrima, S., Albrecht, M., Zhang, M.-J., Zhong, X., Hari, P., Beksac, M., and Maiers, M. (2013) Amino Acid and Sequence Feature Variant Type (SFVT) Assignment by Multiple Imputation for HLA Disease Association Studies on Registry Data. Tissue Antigens 81, 283–284.
16.Albrecht, M., Chatterjee, S., Schneider, J., Gragert, L., Madbouly, A, Fernandez- Vina, MA., & Maiers, M. (2013) Copula Transformation Applied to Haplotype Frequency Estimation: Modeling High-Resolution Frequencies via Regression of Lower Level Frequency Components. Tissue Antigens 81, 270–270.
17.Gragert, L., DiPrima, S., Albrecht, M., Zhang, M., Zhong, X., Hari, P., Beksac, M., and Maiers, M. (2013) A novel multiple imputation method for uncovering HLA disease associations using unrelated donor registry databases. Bone Marrow Transplantation 48, S163–S163.
18.Milius, B., Schneider, J., Heuer, M., Bashyal, P., George, M., Schneyman, D., Pollack, J., Madbouly, A., Gragert, L., Hollenbach, J., et al. (2012) Tools for Implementation of Silver Standard Principles for HLA Typing. Human Immunology 73, 8–8.
19.Al-Awwami, M., Aljurf, M., Al-Humidan, H., El-Solh, H., Almeshari, K., Al-Seraihy, A., Ayas, M., Aldawsari, G., Al-Dayel, F., Freeman, J., Madbouly, A., Maiers, M., Gragert, L. (2012) HLA Frequencies in Saudi Arabia for Design of a Saudi Stem- Cell Registry. Human Immunology 73, 106–106.
20.Gragert, L., Freeman, J., Madbouly, A., Maiers, M. (2012) Correcting for Sampling Error in HLA Haplotype Frequencies. World Marrow Donor Association International Donor Registries Conference 2012 proceedings.
21.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Smith, S., Garcia, Y., DeKoven, A., Green, M., Killeen, D., Amer, B., Philippe, J., and Tavoularis, S. (2012) HLA Haplotype Frequencies and Match Rates for the Canadian OneMatch Registry. Human Immunology 73, 110–110.
22.Leahy, N., Halagan, M., Gragert, L., Madbouly, A., and Maiers, M. (2012) Automated HLA Haplotype Identification with Typing Inference from Extended Families. Tissue Antigens 79, 550–550.
23.Paunic, V., Gragert, L., Madbouly, A., et al. Shannon's Entropy As A Measure Of In Silico HLA Typing Ambiguity Reduction Using Population Haplotype Frequencies. (2012) Tissue Antigens 79(6): 549.
24.Madbouly, A., Gragert, L., Malkki, M., Petersdorf, E., and Maiers, M. (2012) Genetic Ancestry: An Alternative to Self-Identified Race and Ethnicity for the Evaluation of Unrelated Transplantation Outcomes. Biology of Blood Marrow Transplantation 18, S272–S273.
25.Petz, L., Tonai, R., Redei, I., Li, S., Li, H., Bryson, Y., Regan, D., Spellman, S., Gragert, L., Boo, M., et al. (2012) Cord Blood Transplantation for Long Term Management or Possible Cure of HIV Infection. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 18, S215–S216.
26.Gragert, L., Halagan, M. & Maiers, M. (2011) Clustering HLA Alleles by Sequence Feature Variant Type (SFVT). Human Immunology 72, S177–S177.
27.Gragert, L., and Maiers, M. (2011) Haplotype Frequency Estimation Incorporating DRB3/4/5 Loci. Human Immunology 72, S102–S102.
28.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Boo, M., and Confer, D. (2011) A Cost-Benefit Analysis For Recruitment Of Adult Donors Versus Cord Blood Units in the Be The Match Registry. Human Immunology 72, S111–S111.
29.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Boo, M., and Confer, D. (2011) A Guideline For Optimal Minimum Total Nucleated Cell Count for Cord Blood Unit Banking. Human Immunology 72, S111–S111.
30.Leahy, N., Madbouly, A., Gragert, L., Malmberg, C., Paulson, J., and Maiers, M. (2011) Automated Pedigree Analysis Including Ambiguous and Incomplete Typing. Human Immunology 72, S183–S183.
31.Madbouly, A.S., Gragert, L., Freeman, J., and Maiers, M. (2011) Validation of Statistical Imputation Of Allele-Level Multi-Locus Phased Genotypes through Structural Analysis of Ambiguous HLA. Human Immunology 72, S182–S182.
32.Maiers, M., Confer, D., Gragert, L., Williams, E., and Freeman, J. (2011) Historical Be The Match Registry HLA Match Rates for Adult Donor and Cord Blood Units (CBU) from the Inception of the Registry. Human Immunology 72, S113–S114.
33.Williams, E.P., Gragert, L., and Maiers, M. (2011) Global Maps of HLA A~B~DRB1 Haplotype Frequencies. Human Immunology 72, S135–S135.
34.Gragert, L., Williams, E., Madbouly, A., Maiers, M., Oudshoorn, M. (2011) High- resolution HLA A-BDRB1 haplotype frequencies for BMDW registries. Tissue Antigens 77(5): 409-410.
35.Toropovskiy, A., Gragert, L., Kluchnikov, D., Trusova, L., Epifanova, A., Gilmutdinov, R., Tyumina, O. (2011) Analysis of high resolution haplotype frequencies in Samara and Orenburg population of Russia. Tissue Antigens 77(5): 414-414.
36.Maiers, M., Gragert, L., Klitz, W. (2010) Reference high-resolution HLA haplotype frequencies for 21 US populations derived from the entire DNA-typed donor registry. Tissue Antigens 75, 471.
37.Klitz, W., Gragert, L., Maiers, M. (2010) The power of HLA for the discrimination of human populations. Tissue Antigens 75, 471.
38.Gourraud, P.A., Gragert, L., Eberhard, H.P., Balere, M.L., Madonado-Torres, H., Feldmann, U., Steiner, D., Van der Zander, H. G. M., Oudshoorn, M., Muller, C.R., Marsh, S. G. E., Maiers, M. (2010) Challenges of haplotype estimation methods for hematopoietic stem cell donors and cord blood registry uses. Tissue Antigens 75, 476.
39.Maiers, M., Klitz, W., Gragert, L., Vierra-Green, C., Flesch, S., Spellman, S., Begovich, A., Noreen, H., Trachtenberg, E., Shaw, B., Fleishschhauer, K., Fernandez-Vina, M. (2010) Limited HLA-DPA – DPB1 haplotype diversity found in a large sample of European Americans. Tissue Antigens 75, 476.
40.Klitz, W., Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Carreras, E. (2010) The Spanish genetic legacy in world populations visualized through HLA. Tissue Antigens 75, 506.
41.Klitz, W., Maiers, M., Gragert, L., Walaszewshi, J., Ferdandez-Vina, M., Brautbar, C., Israel, S., Benedek, G. (2010) Jewish-Polish admixture. Tissue Antigens 75, 507.
42.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Klitz, W. (2010) Bootstrapping the expectation- maximization algorithm to calculate haplotype frequencies from highly ambiguous HLA typing data. Tissue Antigens 75, 510.
43.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Klitz, W. (2010) HLA associations with birth date and age and applications to disease association studies. Tissue Antigens 75, 631.
44.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Williams, E., Confer, D., Klitz, W. (2010) Simulation of Cord Blood Unit (CBU) Inventories Shows Lower Match Rates than Population- Based Models because of Depletion of High Total Nucleated Cell Count (TNC) Units with Common HLA. Cord Symposium 2010 proceedings.
45.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Williams, E., Confer, D., Klitz, W. (2010) Modeling effective patient-donor matching for hematopoietic transplantation in United States populations. World Marrow Donor Association International Donor Registries Conference 2010 proceedings.
46.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Williams, E., Confer, D., Klitz, W. (2010) Simulation of Cord Blood Unit (CBU) Inventories Shows Lower Match Rates than Population- Based Models because of Depletion of High Total Nucleated Cell Count (TNC) Units with Common HLA. World Marrow Donor Association International Donor Registries Conference 2010 proceedings.
47.Maiers, M., Gragert, L., Klitz, W. (2010) Reference high-resolution HLA haplotype frequencies for 21 US populations derived from the entire DNA-typed donor registry. Human Immunology 71:S1, S92-S92.
48.Toropovskiy, A., Tyumina, O., Trusova, L., Volchkov, S., Gragert, L., (2010) Estimation of HLA alleles and haplotypes frequencies distribution in population of the Samara region. Human Immunology 71:S1, S106-S106.
49.Freeman, J., Sorbie, J., Flickinger, G., Gragert, L., Setterholm, M., Maiers, M. (2010) Registry Interpretation of Laboratory Submitted Primary HLA Sequence- Based Typing (SBT) Data. Human Immunology 71:S1, S84-S84.
50.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Williams, E., Confer, D., Klitz, W. (2010) Simulation of Cord Blood Unit (CBU) Inventories Shows Lower Match Rates than Population- Based Models because of Depletion of High Total Nucleated Cell Count (TNC) Units with Common HLA. Human Immunology 71:S1, S89-S89.
51.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Williams, E., Confer, D., Klitz, W. (2010) Modeling effective patient-donor matching for hematopoietic transplantation in United States populations. Human Immunology 71:S1, S114-114.
52.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Klitz, W. (2010) HLA associations with birth date and age and applications to disease association studies. Human Immunology 71:S1, 107-S107.
53.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Klitz, W. (2010) Bootstrapping the expectation- maximization algorithm to calculate haplotype frequencies from highly ambiguous HLA typing data. Human Immunology 71:S1, S108-S108.
54.Klitz, W., Gragert, L., Maiers, M. (2010) The power of HLA for the discrimination of human populations. Human Immunology 71:S1, S110-S110.
55.Klitz, W., Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Carreras, E. (2010) The Spanish genetic legacy in world populations visualized through HLA. Human Immunology 71:S1, S109-S109.
56.Klitz, W., Maiers, M., Gragert, L., Walaszewshi, J., Ferdandez-Vina, M., Brautbar, C., Israel, S., Benedek, G. (2010) Unexpected Admixture Revealed by HLA. Human Immunology 71:S1, S110-S110.
57.Gragert, L., Maiers, M. (2009) A greedy algorithm for generating abridged HLA allele sets for interpretation of primary DNA typing data into genotype lists. International Journal of Immunogenetics 36:5, 319-319.
58.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Klitz, W. (2009) Spatial Autocorrelation in Asia Using Principal Components of Hla Haplotype Frequencies. Human Immunology 70, S122-S122.
59.Gragert, L., Maiers, M. (2009) A Greedy Algorithm for Generating Abridged Hla Allele Sets for Interpretation of Primary DNA Typing Data into Genotype Lists. Human Immunology 70, S122-S122
60.Klitz, W., Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Fernandez-Vina, M., Brautbar, C., Israel, S. (2009) Admixture between Ashkenazi Jews and Central Europeans. Human Immunology 70, S125-S125.
61.Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Klitz, W. (2009) Spatial Autocorrelation in Asia Using Principal Components of Hla Haplotype Frequencies. ASHG 2009 Proceedings.
62.Klitz, W., Gragert, L., Maiers, M., Fernandez-Vina, M., Brautbar, C., Israel, S. (2009) Admixture between Ashkenazi Jews and Central Europeans. ASHG 2009 Proceedings.
63.Gragert L., Maiers M (2009) A greedy algorithm for generating abridged HLA allele sets for interpretation of primary DNA typing data into genotype lists. International Journal of Immunogenetics 36: 319-319
64.Maiers M, Gragert L., Fernandez-Vina M (2009) Application of 2-D clustering to serologic reagents: a new tool for interpreting virtual serology. Tissue Antigens 73: 400-400
65.Maiers M, Gragert L., Williams E (2009) HaploStats: direct access to NMDP haplotype frequencies. Tissue Antigens 73: 462-462
66.Maiers M, Gragert L., Klitz W, Kamoun M, Li HZ, Petersdorf EW, Fernandez- Vina M (2009) Structural analysis of ambiguous HLA through statistical imputation of allele-level genotypes. Tissue Antigens 73: 462-462
67.Gragert L, Maiers M, Trachtenberg E, Klitz W (2009) Creating geographical-, gender-, and ancestry matched control datasets for HLA disease association studies. Tissue Antigens 73: 466-467
68.Maiers M, Spellman S, Gragert L, Klitz W (2009) HLA associations in hematological diseases. Tissue Antigens 73: 467-467
69.Gragert L, Maiers M, Klitz W (2009) Principal component analysis (PCA) of HLA haplotype frequencies illustrates population differentiation. Tissue Antigens 73: 467-467
70.Klitz W, Gragert L, Maiers M, Tu B, Lazaro A, Yang RY, Xu QH, Masaberg C, Ng J, Hurley CK (2009) The Mexican Americans: HLA content of a unique derived ethnic group. Tissue Antigens 73: 470-470
71.Beksac M, Maiers M, Gragert L, Spellman S, Shrestha S, Zhang MJ, Dispenzieri A, Reece DE, Vesole DH, Hari P (2008) HLA Specificities and Predisposition to the Development of Multiple Myeloma (MM). Blood 112: 596-596
72.Williams E, Chitphakdithai P, Confer D, Maiers M, Gragert L, Davies S (2008) Donor Characteristics Affecting Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donations from the Nmdp Registry. Human Immunology 69: S57-S57
73.Klitz W, Gragert L, Maiers M, Tu B, Ng J, Hurley C (2008) Recovery of Ancestral Latino Population Founders Using High Resolution Hla Haplotypes. Human Immunology 69: S91-S91
74.Gragert L, Kumar V, Steinbach M, Klitz W, Maiers M, Fernandez-Vina M, Israel S (2008) Anthropological Insights from a Novel Visualization and Clustering Tool for Hla Haplotypes and Populations. Human Immunology 69: S92-S92
75.Testi M, Cano P, Maiers M, Guerrero E, Gragert L, Klitz W, Khoriaty AI, Fernandez-Vina M, Andreani M (2008) Hla Haplotypes in a Lebanese Population. Human Immunology 69: S93-S93
76.Gragert L, Kuman V, Steinbach M, Klitz W, Maiers M, Fernandez-Vina M, Israel S (2008) Anthropological insights from a novel visualization and clustering tool for HLA haplotypes and populations. Tissue Antigens 72: 235-235
77.Single R, Mather K, Mack S, Maiers M, Gragert L (2008) A comparison of HLA and informative microsatellite markers for population group assignment in clustering via STRUCTURE. Tissue Antigens 72: 263-263
78.Eberhard HP, Appert ML, Gourraud PA, Gragert L, Torres HM, Steiner D, van der Zanden H, Maiers M, Marsh S, Muller CR (2008) Comparing different programs for HLA haplotype frequency estimation in a controlled data environment. Tissue Antigens 72: 263-264
79.Klitz W, Gragert L, Maiers M, Tu B, Ng J, Hurley C (2008) High resolution reconstruction of HLA haplotypes in Native Americans. Tissue Antigens 72: 267- 267
80.Maiers M, Gragert L, Moraes ME, Gerbase-DeLima M, Vergueiro C, Bicalho MG, Monte SJH, Torres M, Klitz W, Fernandez-Vina M (2008) HLA haplotype diversity in Brazil. Tissue Antigens 72: 268-268
81.Testi M, Cano P, Maiers M, Guerrero E, Gragert L, Klitz W, Khoriaty A, Fernandez-Vina M, Andreani M (2008) Analysis of HLA haplotypes in Lebanese families identifies a remarkable differentiation from other populations. Tissue Antigens 72: 272-273
82.Klitz W, Gragert L, Maiers M (2008) Identification of source populations using HLA. Tissue Antigens 71: O38
83.Maiers M, Gragert L, Fernandez-Vina M, Klitz W, Haviv I, Israe S, Brautbar C (2008) Revealing the history of Jewish populations using HLA. Tissue Antigens 71: O39
84.Gragert L, Maiers M, Klitz W (2007) HLA as an ancestry informative marker (AIM). Human Immunology 68: S9-S9
85.Gragert L, Maiers M, Klitz W (2007) Unsupervised clustering of individuals into HLA genetic clusters using Hardy-Weinberg deviation. Human Immunology 68: S9-S9
86.Maiers M, Gragert L, Klitz W (2007) High-resolution HLA A-B-DRB1 haplotype frequencies from the whole DNA-probe-typed NMDP registry. Human Immunology 68: S11-S11
87.Klitz W, Gragert L, Maiers M (2007) Deducing source population HLA composition in US ethnic groups. Human Immunology 68: S11-S11
88.Klitz W, Gragert L, Maiers M, Trachtenberg E (2007) HLA population differentiation and inference of disease predisposition: The case of call. Human Immunology 68: S12-S12
89.Maiers M, Gragert L, Fernandez-Vina M, Klitz W, Haviv I, Israel S, Brautbar C (2007) HLA frequencies and genetic distances between Ashkenazi and non- Ashkenazi Israeli Jews. Human Immunology 68: S91-S91
90.Maiers M, Gragert L, Klitz W, Moraes ME, Gerbase-DeLima M, Vergueiro C, Bicalho MDG, Do Monte SJH, Torres M, Fernandez-Vina M (2007) HLA frequency analysis of Brazilian ethnic groups & comparison to us ethnic groups. Human Immunology 68: S94-S94
91.Maiers M, Gragert L, Klitz W (2006) High resolution HLA alleles and haplotypes in the US population. Human Immunology 67: S16-S16
92.Gragert L, Maiers M, Klitz W (2006) A HLA haplotype-based Bayesian classifier for race and ethnicity. Human Immunology 67: S17-S17
93.Maiers M, Gragert L, Klitz W (2006) Predicting high-resolution match rates for hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients using four-locus HLA haplotypes. Human Immunology 67: S30-S30
94.Maiers M, Gragert L, Klitz W (2006) The identification and utility of multiethnic group samples in HLA studies. Human Immunology 67: S106-S106
95.Maiers M, Gragert L, Papasteriadi C, Magira E, Spyropoulou-Vlachou M, Kyrkou V, Parapanisiou E, Keramitsoglou T, Monos D (2006) Assessment of an optimal size registry of hematopoietic stem cell donors in Greece: The impact of interacting with the NMDP registry. Human Immunology 67: S132-S132
96.Maiers M, Setterholm M, Davis J, Buck K, Kempenich J, Gragert L, Klitz W (2005) Prediction of allelic HLA subtypes: A validation study of 2,500 minority donors. Human Immunology 66: S43-S43
97.Klitz W, Maiers M, Gragert L, Spellman S, Schmeckpeper B, Williams TM, Fernandez-Vina M (2004) Haplotype reference standards for the HLA system in European Americans. Human Immunology 65: S19-S19
98.Maiers M, Klitz W, Gragert L (2004) Large registry-based reference samples for A-B-DRB1 haplotypes in multiple ethnic groups. Human Immunology 65: S96- S96
2015 American Association of Blood Bankers (AABB) Audio conference – “HLA Match Likelihoods: Closing Disparities in Access to Transplant”
2014 National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Council Meeting – “HLA Match Likelihoods: Closing Disparities in Access to Transplant”
2014 Current Topics in Histocompatibility and Transplantation – Georgetown Lecture Series – “Fine Mapping of HLA Associations for Hematologic Diseases using Registry Data”
2014 EFI Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Testing of Ambiguous HLA Typing”
2013 ASHI Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “Evaluation of Impact of Updates to the Common and Well Documented Allele List (CWD2) on HLA Typing of US Populations”
2013 EFI Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “Amino Acid and Sequence Feature Variant Type (SFVT) Assignment by Multiple Imputation for HLA Disease Association Studies on Registry Data”
2012 Current Topics in Histocompatibility and Transplantation – Georgetown Lecture Series – “US Haplotype Frequencies and their Applications”
2012 WMDA IDRC Meeting Best Abstract Presentation – “Validation of Be The Match Registry Match Algorithm: HapLogic III”
2012 WMDA IDRC Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “Correcting for Sampling Error in HLA Haplotype Frequencies”
2011 American Association of Blood Bankers (AABB) Conference – “Patient Match Rates: Now and in the Future”
2010 Cord Symposium Invited Platform Speaker – “Estimating Match Rates with Adult Donors and Umbilical Cord Blood Units in the NMDP Be The Match Registry”
2010 WMDA IDRC Meeting Best Abstract Presentation – “Effects of Depletion on Cord Registry Match Rates”
2010 BSHI Meeting Best Abstract Presentation – “A greedy algorithm for generating abridged HLA allele sets for interpretation of primary DNA typing data into genotype lists”
2009 EFI Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “Application of 2-D clustering to serologic reagents: a new tool for interpreting virtual serology”
2008 EFI Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “Revealing the history of Jewish populations using HLA”
2007 ASHI Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “Deducing source population HLA composition in US ethnic groups”
2007 ASHI Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “Unsupervised clustering of individuals into HLA genetic clusters using Hardy-Weinberg deviation”
2006 ASHI Meeting Oral Abstract Presentation – “A HLA-Based Bayesian Classifier for Race/Ethnicity”
2001 University of St. Thomas QMCS Lecture – “Data Mining of a US Forest Service Database”
2001 University of St. Thomas QMCS Lecture – “Data Warehousing and Data Mining” 2001 University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute Summer Symposium – “Molecular Modeling of the CCR5 Chemokine Receptor and DMPC Membrane”
2000 St. Thomas Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium “X-ray Crystallography of an Antibody Fab Fragment”