N. Kevin Krane, MD, FACP, FASN
Professor of Medicine, AOA Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher

Education & Affiliations
N. Kevin Krane, MD, FASN, FACP, is a Professor of Medicine and the former Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, serving 28 years in that position at Tulane University School of Medicine from 1994-2022. He received his undergraduate degree at Michigan State University with high honor, completed medical school at Tulane, and a residency and chief residency in internal medicine at Henry Ford Hospital where he also completed his fellowship in nephrology and hypertension. An active clinician with a major academic interest in renal disease in pregnancy and patient safety/teamwork, his career has been dedicated to improving teaching and learning in medical education. Dr. Krane is a nationally recognized leader in medical education, having served as past-Chair of the Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA), and on Boards of the International Association of Medical Science Educators and the TBL Collaborative. He has an extensive record of educational scholarship and has provided numerous faculty development and TeamSTEPPS™ workshops both nationally and internationally, including working with the University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dr. Krane has received student and peer teaching awards at every level including the Tulane Teaching Scholar Award, the Tulane University President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, the SGEA’s Career Educator Award, the AAMC’s Merrell Flair Award and the Alpha Omega Alpha Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award.
Peer Reviewed
Johnson SB, Fair MA, Howley L, Prunuske J, Cashman S, Carney JK, Jarris YS, Deyton LR, Blumenthal D, Krane NK, Fiebach NH, Strelnick AH, Morton-Eggleston E, Nickens C, Ortega L. Teaching Public and Population Health in Medical Education: An Evaluation Framework. Acad Med 2020: Academic Medicine: September 8, 2020 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003737
Hendricks J, Cottrell S, Angle M, Stark D, Brownfield E, Stoddard H, Angle M, Esposito K, Buckley L, Clinch R, Esposito K, Krane NK, Park, VM, Teal CR, Ferrari N. A Review of Continuous Quality Improvement Processes at Ten Medical Schools. Medical Science Educator 2019: 29:285–290.
Anderson CE, Hamm LL, Batuman V, Kumbala DR, Chen CS, Kallu SG, Siriki R, Gadde S, Kleinpeter MA, Krane NK, Simon EE, He J, Chen J. The association of angiogenic factors and chronic kidney disease. BMC Nephrol. 2018 May 21;19(1):117. doi: 10.1186/s12882-018-0909-2. PubMed PMID: 29783932
Wennerstrom A, Gibson JW, Krane NK. From classroom to community: The impact of a non-clinical clerkship on 4th year medical students' ability to address social determinants of health. Medical Science Educ 2018 28:381-387
Nair D, Kidd L, Krane NK. Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis in Pregnancy. Am J Med Sci 2017;353(4):320–328. PMID: 28317619
Price DW, Wagner DP, Krane NK, Rougas SC, Lowitt NR, Offodile RS, Easdown LJ, Andrews MAW, Kodner CM, Lypson M, Barnes BE. What are the Implications of Implementation Science for Medical Education? Med Educ Online, 20:27003 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/meo.v20.27003.
Toliver HL, Krane NK. Leptospirosis in New Orleans. Am J Med Sci 347(2):159-163, 2014. 2013 Jan4 [Epub ahead of print].
Mitchell KD, Krane NK. Teaching Medical Students in Research: the DeBakey Scholars Program at Tulane University School of Medicine. Med Sci Educ 2013, 23(3):385-390.
Hatem CJ, Searle NS, Gunderman R, Krane NK, Perkowski L, Schutze GE, Steinert Y. The Educational Attributes and Responsibilities of Effective Medical Educators. Acad Med 86:474-480, 2011.
Zhang R, Paramesh A, Florman S, Yau CL, Balamuthusamy S, Krane NK, Slakey D. Long-Term Outcome of Adults Transplanted with Single Pediatric Kidneys. How Young is Too Young? Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 4:1500-1506, 2009.
Krane NK, Anderson D, Lazarus C, Termini M, Bowdish B, Chauvin S, Fonseca V. Assessing Adherence to American Diabetes Association Practice Guidelines Using Unannounced Standardized patients. J Gen Intern Med, 24:53-56, 2009.
Crawford BE, Kahn MJ, Gibson JW, Daniel AJ, Krane NK. Impact of Hurricane Katrina on medical Student Academic Performance: The Tulane Experience. Am J Med Sci, 336:142-146, 2008.
Book Chapters
Krane NK, Gibson JW. Designing a Course, in 3nd edition of An Introduction to Medical Teaching, Springer, New York 2021.
Krane NK, Pasala R, Baudy A. Pregnancy in Diabetic Nephropathy. Lerma EV and Batuman V. Diabetes and Kidney Disease. Springer New York. 2014.
Krane NK. Kidney Disease in Pregnancy, in Baliga RR (ed). Textbook of Internal Medicine -- An Intensive Board Review with 1000 MCQs. Blendon-Miller, 2015 (in press).
Pasquale S and Krane NK. Designing a Course. An Introduction to Medical Teaching, 2nd Edition. Springer, NY, 2014.
Krane NK, Renal Disease in Pregnancy, electronic publication in eMedicine from WebMD (2010).
Krane NK. MedStudy Internal Medicine Core Curriculum-Nephrology. 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Edition, Nephrology Advisor.
To view more of Dr. Krane's publications, visit PubMed