Jing Chen, MD, MMSc, MSc
Professor of Medicine

Rebholdz CM, Chen J, Zhao Q, Chen JC, Li J, Cao J, Navar GL, Hamm LL, Gu D, He J; GenSalt Collaborative Research Group. Urine angiotensinogen and salt-sensitivity and potassium-sensitivity of blood pressure. J Hypertens. 2015 33(7):1394-400. PMID: 25827430.
Ricardo AC, Roy JA, Tao K, Alper A, Chen J, Drawz PE, Fink JC, Hsu CY, Kusek JW, Ojo A, Schreiber M, Fischer MJ; CRIC Study Investigators. Influence of Nephrologist Care on Management and Outcomes in Adults with Chronic Kidney Disease. J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:26138006.
Denker M, Boyle S, Anderson AH, Appel LJ, Chen J, Fink JC, Flack J, Go AS, Horwitz E, Hsu CY, Kusek JW, Lash JP, Navaneethan S, Ojo AO, Rahman M, Steigerwalt SP, Townsend RR, Feldman HI; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study (CRIC): Overview and Summary of Selected Findings. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Aug 11. pii: CJN.04260415. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:26265715.
Mills KT, Xu Y, Zhang W, Bundy JD, Chen CS, Kelly TN, Chen J, He J. A systematic analysis of worldwide population-based data on the global burden of chronic kidney disease in 2010. Kidney Int. 2015 July 20. doi:10.1038/ki.2015.230. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26224401.
Chen S, Huang J, Zhao Q, Jaquish CE, He J, Lu X, Yang X, Gu CC, Hixson JE, Liu F, Rice TK, Cao J, Chen J, Gu D. Associations Between Genetic Variants of the Natriuretic Peptide System and Blood Pressure Response to Dietary Sodium intervention: the GenSalt Study. Am J Hypertension. 2015 Jul 29. pii:hpv120. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID 26224401.
Chen J, Hamm LL, Mohler ER, Hudaihed A, Arora R, Chung-Shiuan C, Yanxi Liu, Browne G, Mills KT, Kleinpeter M, Simon EE, Rifai N, Klag MJ, He J. Interrelationship of Multiple Endothelial Dysfunction Biomarkers with Chronic Kidney Disease. PLoSOne. 2015 Jul 1; 10(7):e0132047.
Navaneethan SD, Roy J, Tao K, Brecklin CS, Chen J, Deo R, Flack JM, Ojo AO, Plappert TJ, Raj DS, Saydain G, Sondheimer JH, Sood R, Steigerwalt SP, Townsend RR, Dweik RA, Rahman M on behalf of the CRIC investigators. Prevelance, Predictors and Outcomes of Pulmonary Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease. J Am Soci Nephrol (accepted).
Mishra RK, Yang W, Roy J, Anderson AH, Bansal N, Chen J, DeFilippi C, Delafontaine P, Feldman HI, Kallem R, Kusek JW, Lora CM, Rosas SE, Go AS, Shlipak MG, CRIC Study Investigators. The Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnarie Score is Associated with Incident Heart Failure Hospitalization in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients without Previously Diagnosed Heart Failure: The CRIC Study. Cir Heart Fail. 2015 May 18.
Lee BT, Ahmed FA, Hamm LL, Teran FJ, Chen CS, Liu Y, Shah K, Rifai N, Batuman V, Simon EE, He J, Chen J. Association of C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-6 with chronic kidney disease. BMC Nephrology. 2015 May 30; 16:77. PMID: 26025192.
Zhao Q, Gu D, Lu F, Mu J, Wang X, Ji X, Hu D, Ma J, Huang J, Li J, Chen J, Cao J, Chen CS, Chen J, Rice TK, He J. Blood Pressure Reactivity to the Cold Pressor Test Predicts Hypertension Among Chinese Adults: The GendSalt Study. Am J Hypertens. 2015 Mar 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25827430.
Shah R, Matthews GJ, Shah RY, McLaughlin C, Chen J, Wolman M, Master SR, Chai B, Xie D, Rader DJ, Raj DS, Mehta NN, Budoff M, Fischer MJ, Go AS, Townsend RR, He J, Kusek JW, Feldman HI, Foulkes AS, Reilly MP; CRIC Study Investigators. Serum Fractalkine (CX3CL1) and Cardiovascular Outcomes and Diabetes: Findings from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015 Mar 17. pii:S0272-6386(15)00489-8. PubMed PMID: 25795074.
Dobre M, Yang W, Pan Q, Appel L, Bellovich K, Chen J, Feldman H, Fischer MJ, Hamm LL, Hostetter T, Jaar BG, Kallem RR, Rosas SE, Scialla JJ, Wolf M, Rahman M, CRIC Study Investigators. Persistent High Serum Bicarbonate and the Risk of Heart Failure in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): A Report from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 Apr 20;4(4). PMID: 25896890.
Li C, Yang X, He J, Hixson JE, Gu D, Rao DC, Shimmin LC, Huang J, Gu CC, Chen J, Li J, Kelly TN. A gene-based analysis of variants in the serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase (SGK) genes with blood pressure responses to sodium intake: the GenSalt Study. PLoS One. 2014 May 30;9(5):e98432. doi: 10.1271/journal.pone.0098432. eCollection 2014. PMID: 24878720.
Liu F, Yang X, Mo X, Huang J, Chen J, Kelly TN, Hixson JE, Rao DC, Gu CC, Shimmin LC, Chen J, Rice TK, Li J, Schwander K, He J, Liu DP, Gu D. Associations of epithelial sodium channel genes with blood pressure. J Hum Hypertens. 2014 Sept 18. doi: 10.1038/jhh.2014.78. PMID: 25231509.
Mills KT, Rubinstein A, Irazola V., Chen J, Beratarrechea A, Poggio R, Dolan J, Augustovski F, Shi L, Krousel-Wood M, Bazzano LA, He J. Comprehensive Approach for Hypertension Control in Low-Income Populations: Rationale and Study Design for the Hypertension Control Program in Argentina. Am J Med Sci 2014;348(2): 139-145.
Liu F, He J, Gu D, Rao DC, Huang J, Hixson JE, Jaquish CE, Chen J, Li C, Yang X, Li J, Rice TK, Shimmin LC, Kelly TN. Associations of Endothelial System Genes with Blood Pressure Changes and Hypertension Incidence: The GenSalt Study. Am J Hypertens. 2014 Nov 25. pii:hpu223. PMID: 25424718.
He J, Zhang Y, Chen J. Antihypertensive therapy after acute ischemic stroke-reply.. JAMA. 2014 Jun 11;311(22):2334-5. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.5167.
Montasser ME, Shimmin LC, Gu D, Chen J, Gu C, Kelly TN, Jaquish CE, Rice TK, Rao DC, Cao J, Chen J, Liu DP, Whelton PK, Hamm LL, He J, Hixson JE. Variation in Genes that Regulate Blood Pressure are Associated with Glomerular Filtration Rate in Chinese. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 21;9(3):e92468. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092468. eCollection 2014. PMID24658007.
Yang X, He J, Gu D, Hixson JE, Huang J, Rao DC, Simmin LC, Chen J, Rice TK, Li J, Schwander K, Kelly TN. Associations of Epithelial Sodium Channel Genes with Blood Pressure Changes and Hypertension Incidence: The GenSalt Study. Am J Hypertens. 2014 Apr 15. PMID: 24735600.
Mehta NN, Matthews GJ, Krishanmoorthy P, Shah R, McLaughlin C, Patel P, Budoff M, Chen J, Wolman M, Go A, He J, Kanetsky PA, Master SR, Rader DJ, Raj D, Gadegbeku CA, Shah R, Schreiver M, Fischer MJ, Townsend RR, Kusek J, Feldman HI, Foulkes AS, Reilly MP; the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study Investigators. Higher plasma CXCL12 levels predict incident myocardial infarction and death in chronic kidney disease: findings from the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort study. Eur Heart J. 2013 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24306482.
He J, Zhang Y, Xu T, Zhao Q, Wang D, Chen CS, Tong W, Liu C, Xu T, Ju Z, Peng Y, Peng H, Li Q, Geng D, Zhang J, Li D, Zhang F, Guo L, Sun Y, Wang X, Cui Y, Li Y, Ma D, Yang G, Gao Y, Yuan X, Bazzano LA, Chen J; for the CATIS Investigators. Effects of Immediate Blood Pressure Reduction on Death and Major Disability in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: The CATIS Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA.2014:5;311(5):479-89. doi: 10.1001/jama.2013282543. PMID: 24240777.