Prasun Datta, PhD
Associate Professor
Division of Comparative Pathology, Tulane National Primate Research Center
School of Medicine
Microbiology Immunology TNPRC
Tulane Center Aging

My research focuses on elucidating the role of metabolism in HIV-1 biogenesis and survival in latent CNS reservoirs, and the effects of HIV-1 induced neuro-inflammatory cytokines and small extracellular vesicles released from HIV-1 infected macrophage and microglia on the regulation of astrocyte glutamate transporter, EAAT2 and neurodegeneration. I am also interested in assessing the impact of substance of abuse such as opiate and cocaine on the cross-talk between cellular metabolism and epigenetics in HIV-1 biogenesis in macrophage and microglia, and astrocyte EAAT2 and non-coding RNA regulation. With emergence of SARS-CoV-2, I am interested in understanding how SARS-CoV-2 infection modulates lung cell metabolism and inflammation.