Monica Romanko, MD

Residency: University of Vermont Family Medicine Residency Program

School of Medicine


Med school:  University of Vermont College of Medicine

Residency: University of Vermont Family Medicine Residency Program

Fellowship:  Emergency Medicine, University of Tennessee

(Plus a few years practice as Family Medicine faculty followed by many years of emergency medicine practice)

 Why Tulane?   Dynamic program and people, opportunity to serve a diverse patient population, social justice oriented work, GPEC, the opportunity to see patients both in the city and in the underserved surrounding rural areas, and New Orleans culture- so many reasons!

 Palliative interests:  Expanding palliative care access, incorporating sound/music and multimodal therapies in to palliative care delivery, health justice and palliative care, mindfulness and compassion practices

Other interests: Time with Rob and our formerly stray cats, travel, nature watching, hiking and trail running, farmers markets, museums, art and music, buddhist studies