Alun Wang, MD, PhD
Richard J. Reed Associate Professor, Tulane Cancer Center Member - Translational Oncology Research Program

Education & Affiliations
Alun R. Wang, MD, PhD, is Richard J. Reed Associate Professor in Dermatopathology of Department of Pathology since 2001 and is adjunct Assistant Professor in Departments of Dermatology, Tulane University, New Orleans. Dr. Wang is the Director of Dermatopathology fellowship program at Tulane University. Dr. Wang is certified by the American Board of Dermatology and American Board of Pathology.
American Board of Pathology, AP/CP, 1999
American Board of Pathology, Dermatopathology, 2000
Altmeyer, MD, Wang, AR. Silicone migration and granuloma formation. In press. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.
DiGiorgio, CM, Altmeyer MD, Wang, AR, Boh, EE. Forty-nine year old man with asymptomatic cutaneous eruption. Submitted.
Taylor JT, Zeng XB, Pottle JE, Lee K, Wang AR, Yi SG, Scruggs JA, Sikka SS, Li M.
Calcium signaling and T-type calcium channels in cancer cell cycling. World J Gastroenterol, 14:4984-91. 2008.
Rogers NE, Farris PK, Wang AR. Juvenile chondrodermatitis nodularis helices: A case report and literature review. Pediatr Dermatol. 20:488-90. 2003.
Winfield HL, Rosenberg AS, Antonescu CR, Weil M, Wang AR. Monophasic sarcomatoid carcinoma of the scalp: A case mimicking inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor and a review of cutaneous spindle cell tumors with myofibroblastic differentiation. J Cutan Pathol. 30:393-400. 2003.
Wang, A.R. Letter to editor. Am. J. Dermatopathol. 25:170-1. 2003.
Chen TM, Purohit SK, Wang AR. Pleomorphic sclerotic fibroma: A case report and literature review. Am J. Dermatophathol. 24:54-8. 2002.
Wang AR, May D, Bourn P, Scott G. PGP 9.5: A Marker for cellular Neurothekeoma Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 23: 1401-1407, 1999.
Shrirer DA, Wang AR, Patel U, Monajati A, Chess P, Numaguchi Y. Benign fibrous histiocytoma of the nasal cavity in a newborn. MR and CT findings. Am J Neuroradiol 19:1166-68. 1998.