Hongbing Liu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric Nephrology

Education & Affiliations
Areas of Expertise
Hongbing Liu is an Assistant Professor in Department of Pediatric Nephrology, School of Medicine Tulane University. He completed his Ph.D. at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and his undergraduate and Master degrees at Xiamen University in China. Since joining a well-established developmental biology laboratory of Dr. YiPing Chen in 2004, he has been working on genetic and molecular control of mammalian organ development and is very versed at employing genetic, biochemical, cell biological, and molecular biological approaches to address kidney development issues in mouse model systems. His current research interests mainly focus on the roles of Histone Deacetylases (HDACs) in kidney development.
The regulation of kidney development by Histone Deacetylases
Since 1987, Dr. Liu has conducted research in a number of different institutes in mainland China, Hong Kong, and USA. Dr. Liu has the training, expertise and motivation required to successfully carry out the proposed research project. Since joining the laboratory of Dr. YiPing Chen in 2004, he has been working on genetic and molecular control of mammalian organ development. In the past years, he has generated various transgenic/knockout/knock-in mouse lines to study the functions of many different genes in the development of a number of organs. Having had the training in a well-established developmental biology lab, he has become very versed at employing genetic, biochemical, cell biological, and molecular biological approaches to address kidney development issues in mouse model systems. During 2014-2015, Dr. Liu worked with Dr. Hua Lu on the molecular dissection of the p53 network in controlling cell growth, senescence, death, differentiation, and tumorigenesis. In 2015, he joined the Department of Pediatrics to conduct independent investigations on the roles of Histone Deacetylases (HDACs) in kidney development. he was the Principle Investigator of two NIH pilot grants. The completion of COBRE pilot grant of Translational Research in Hypertension and Renal Biology has helped me get the grant award of American Heart Association Scientist Development Grants. Future work will continue to generate critical data necessary to submit an independent NIH R01 grant on the role of HDACs in kidney development and aging.
- Liu H, Chen S, Yao X, Li Y, Liu J, Saifudeen Z, and El- Dahr SS. (Correspondence Author) Histone Deacetylases 1 and 2 Cooperate in the Control of Nephron Progenitor Cell Renewal and Differentiation, under revision for the publication in Development
- Liao W., Liu H.B., Zhang Y., Jung J. H., Chen J., Su X, Kim Y.C., Flores E.R, Wang S., Czarny-Ratajczak M., Li W., Zeng S.X. and Lu H. CCDC3: A NEW p63 TARGET INVOLVED IN REGULATION OF LIVER LIPID METABOLISM, accepted for publication by Scientific Report
- Chao T, Zhou X, Cao B, Zeng S.X., Liao P, Liu H.B., Chen Y., Park H.W., and Lu H. Negative Feedback to p53 by A Novel Pleckstrin Homology Domain-Containing Protein 3, PHLDB3, Endorses Cancer Growth, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13755
- Zhou X, Hao Q, Liao P, Luo S, Zhang M, Hu G, Liu H.B., Zhang Y, Cao B, Baddoo M, Flemington EK, Zeng SX, Lu H. Nerve growth factor receptor negates the tumor suppressor p53 as a feedback regulator. Elife. 2016 Jun 10; 5. pii: e15099
- Liu H.B, Chen CH, Ye WD, and Chen YP (2014) Phosphorylation of Shox2 is required for its function to control sinoatrial node development, Journal of the American Heart Association, 3:e000796
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