Howard W Mielke, PhD
Adjunct Professor
School of Medicine

Areas of Expertise
Environmental Signaling & Human Health
Impact of the urban environment on human health
Lead poisoning
Academic Training:
- BA: Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota (1963)
- MS: University of Michigan, Rackham, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1967)
- PhD: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (1972)
Faculty Appointments:
- Research Professor: Department of Pharmacology, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana (2012 to present).
- Research Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Tulane University School of Medicine. (2012-present)
- Research Professor, Tulane University, Department of Chemistry. (2006-present)
- Member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Science Advisory Board, Lead Dust Panel. (2010-2011)
- Fellow with the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education to revise the EPA Air Quality Criteria Document for Lead. (2010-2011)
- Research Professor, Tulane University, Center for Bioenvironmental Research (2006-2011)
- Research Professor, Tulane University, Department of Chemistry, (2006-present)
- Associate Professor and Full Professor, Xavier University of Louisiana, College of Pharmacy, (1988-2006)
- Research Associate, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute, U of Minnesota (1986-1988)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Macalester College (1979-1986)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (1973-1979)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Man and the Earth’s Ecosystem Program, UCLA (1970-1973)
Environmental signaling and human health. Recognizing the increasing importance of cities as the habitation for humanity, I have been researching and evaluating the status of the urban environment and its chemical impact on human health and disease.
Significant Publications:
- 2002 Natural and Anthropogenic Processes that Concentrate Mn in Rural and Urban Environments of the Lower Mississippi River Delta. H W Mielke, C R Gonzales, E T Powell, A Shah, Xavier University of Louisiana, P W Mielke, Colorado State University. Environmental Research, 90 (2):157-168.
- 2001 Multiple metal contamination from house paints: consequences of power sanding and paint scraping in New Orleans, H. W. Mielke, E Powell, A. Shah, C. Gonzales, and P. W. Mielke. Environmental Health Perspectives 109:973-978.
- 2000 Quantities and Associations of Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Manganese, Chromium, Nickel, Vanadium, and Copper in Fresh Mississippi Alluvium and New Orleans Alluvial Soils, H.W. Mielke, C.R. Gonzales, M.K. Smith, and P.W. Mielke. Science Total Environ. 246 (2-3): 249-259.
- 1999 Lead in the inner-cities, H. Mielke, American Scientist 87:62-73.
- 1997 Lead-Based Hair Coloring Products: Too Hazardous for Household Use, H.W. Mielke, M. D. Taylor, C. R. Gonzales M. K. Smith, P.V. Daniels, A.V. Buckner. J. of the American Pharmaceutical Association NS37(1):85-89.
- 1997 Associations between lead dust contaminated soil and childhood blood lead: a case study of Urban New Orleans and Rural Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, USA, H.W. Mielke, D. Dugas, P.W. Mielke, K.S. Smith, S.L. Smith, C.R. Gonzales. Environmental Health Perspectives 105 (9): 950-954.
- 1993 Lead Dust Contaminated USA Communities: Comparison of Louisiana and Minnesota, H.W. Mielke. Applied Geochem. 8, Suppl.2: 257-261.
- 1983 Lead Concentrations in Inner-City Soils as a Factor in the Child Lead Problem, Mielke, H.W., J.C. Anderson, K.J. Berry, P.W. Mielke, Jr., R.L. Chaney and M. Leech, American Journal of Public Health 73 (12): 1366-1369.