Marcia Glass, MD

Professor of Medicine

Program Director, Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship
School of Medicine
The Program in Medical Ethics and Human Values Adjunct
Palliative Medicine

Education & Affiliations

MD, Georgetown University School of Medicine, 2003
Internal Medicine Residency, Tulane University School of Medicine, 2006

Areas of Expertise

Medical education
Palliative care in humanitarian crises
Cross-cultural palliative care
Physician well-being
Narrative medicine


Dr. Marcia Glass is a Professor of Internal Medicine and Program Director for the Hospice and Palliative Medicine fellowship training program. Dr. Glass provides inpatient palliative consultations at the SLVHCS, inpatient academic hospitalist attending at UMCNO, and teaches medical students, residents, and fellows.

Dr. Glass has received numerous teaching awards, including the Tulane Medicine Best Inpatient Attending Award, the Tulane C. Thorpe Ray Internal Medicine Educator Award, the UCSF Core Clerkship Teaching Award, and the UCSF Pathways to Discovery Mentor Award. She received a Champion of Change Award from Links, Inc., and traveled to India with a Fulbright-Nehru Specialist Award in 2019. Dr. Glass has worked internationally with Doctors without Borders, the Yale/Stanford Johnson and Johnson Global Health Program, Columbia University, UCSF, and Partners in Health.  Her domestic volunteer work includes being a founding faculty sponsor for the Ozanam Inn Outreach Clinic in New Orleans, a faculty volunteer for the UCSF/USF Clinica Martin-Baro in San Francisco, asylum work in New Orleans with Luke’s House, and a volunteer during COVID-19 with the Navajo Nation. Her continued medical education includes the Stanford Faculty Development Program, the Harvard University Medical Detectives Course, MD Anderson Intensive Board Review in Hospice and Palliative Medicine, and the MDI Physiology on the Fly course organized by Harvard Beth Israel faculty.

Her grant-supported research has produced several peer-reviewed articles along with multiple national and international presentations.  Her research awards include the 2015 SHM Best Research Poster, the 2014 California-Hawaii SGIM Outstanding Research Abstract, and 2nd place in the 2011 AMSA Annual Convention in the Community Development and Service Category.  Her work has been published in Annals of Internal Medicine, The Lancet, and The Washington Post. She co-edited and published the Oxford Field Manuel for Palliative Care in Humanitarian Crises in 2019, which won a first-place award in the 2021 British Medical Association Medical Book Awards.