Gina Manguno-Mire, PhD

Associate Professor, Forensic Division

(504) 988-2201
School of Medicine
Gina Manguno-Mire, PhD

Education & Affiliations

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Post Traumatic Stress: Tulane University (2003)
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. (2000)
Approved Psychology internship: New Orleans VA Medical Center (1999)


Licensed to practice psychology in Louisiana
Board Certified in Forensic Psychology

Years at Tulane:
Since 2000


Pena, J., Manguno-Mire, G., Kinzie E., Johnson, J., Thompson, J.T. (2015). Teaching Cultural Competence to Psychiatry Residents: 7 Core Concepts and their Implications for Therapeutic Technique. Academic Psychiatry, PMID: 2574991.

Manguno-Mire, G., Coffman, K., DeLand, S., & Thompson, J.W., Myers, L. (2014). Whgat Factors are Related to Success on Conditional Release/Discharge? Findings from the New Orleans Forensic Aftercare Clinic: 2002-2013. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 32, 647-658.

Dr. Mire is a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist. Dr. Mire conducts research on violence risk assessment among mentally ill defendants on conditional release/probation and competency to stand trial. She also supervises interns in forensic psychology. Dr. Mire performs criminal and civil forensic evaluations for the courts and attorneys and frequently serves as an expert witness on matters related to violence risk assessment, competency and mitigation. She has expertise in the forensic assessment of PTSD and complex trauma.