Anton Makhiboroda, MD


School of Medicine
Photo of Anton Makhiboroda, MD

Education & Affiliations

BS, Biology & Psychology, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI
MD, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL


Hometown: West Hartford, CT

Preferred Name: Anton Makhiboroda

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him/His

Hobbies and Interests

Coffee and desserts, indie rock from the 2000s, the collapse of the soviet union, backcountry snowboarding, mindfulness practices, cognitive bias

Professional Interests

Forensic psychiatry, psychopharmacology, mood disorders and artistic temperament, the history and philosophy of psychiatry, mindfulness-based stress reduction.

What I love most about New Orleans?

The Southern hospitality and the fact that there are over a dozen venues playing live music every single day of the week.

What I love most about Tulane’s Psychiatry Program?

The cohesiveness and family atmosphere, the thoughtful didactics, and the opportunity to rotate in several unique psychiatric settings.

Feel free to ask/email me about...

Live music venues and Po’ Boys!
