Laura Marques, PhD
Assistant Professor

Education & Affiliations
Laura Marques, Ph.D. is a licensed child and school psychologist in Louisiana and Texas. She specializes in assessment and treatment of childhood disorders, including trauma- and stressor-related disorders and disruptive-behavior disorders in youth. Dr. Marques uses a developmental-ecological approach to understand the ways in which family, school, and community strengths can be utilized to promote resilience and recovery. Her experiences include working in schools and therapeutic settings to implement evidence-based assessment, consultation, and interventions for youth with complex mental health needs. Dr. Marques's interests also include reflective supervision and other strategies and tools to build trauma-informed organizations and promote well-being among professionals working with trauma-exposed youth. Dr. Marques currently holds a faculty appointment at Tulane University School of Medicine, and serves as faculty for the Tulane Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation program.
Marques, L. & Stevens, M. (2018). Evidence-based for whom?: A review of EBTs for ethnic minorities Presented at the Tulane University School of Medicine Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds, New Orleans, LA.
Thakur, A., Marques, L., Creedon, J., Gonzalez, M., & Middleton, M. (2016). The implementation of evidence-based multi-tiered systems of support for trauma-exposed youth by school-based mental health practitioners – Part I &II. Workshop presented at the 20th Annual Louisiana School-Based Health Alliance Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Marques, L. (2016). Emerging models of school mental health: A practitioner’s guide to multi-tiered systems of support. Presented at the Tulane University School of Medicine Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds, New Orleans, LA.
Burch, B., Marques, L., Overstreet, S. & LeBlanc, S. (2014). Reactions to forensic disclosure: The relationship between state anxiety, dissociation, and PTSD. Poster presented at the 2014 Annual National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.