Marc A. Forman, MD
Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics

Education & Affiliations
Years at Tulane:
Since 1985
Dr. Forman has two major interests: Community Child Psychiatry and Developmental Neuropsychiatry. From 1975-1985, he directed the Child Psychiatry Program at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. In that position, he implemented a number of community mental health programs in impoverished areas of the city. He carried on his interest in public child psychiatry in his capacity as Director of the Division of Child Psychiatry at Tulane from 1985-1997.
From 2002-2017, he served as special consultant to the City of Philadelphia, and in that capacity, he reviewed the quality of mental health services provided under Medicaid to poor children and families. In his work at the SARAH Network of Rehabilitation Hospitals (a nine-hospital system) in Brazil, he teaches, works with staff on their publications, and consults to families of children with neuropsychiatric disabilities, including children with genetic syndromes, traumatic brain injury and cerebral palsy. He has been providing these consultative and teaching services since 1983 and serves as Coordinator, Tulane-Brazil Program of Cooperation.
Dr. Forman now lives on Pasadena, CA, and is Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Keck School of Medicine at USC.
Forman, M.A. The Family of the Child with Brain Injury. In Braga, L., Campos da Paz, A., (Eds), The Child with Cerebral Palsy and Traumatic Brain Injury , pp.217-227, London and New York, Taylor and Francis, 2006
Forman, M.A. Lives too soon: a personal view. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 50: 248, 2008
Forman, M.A. Co-author, Psychosocial Dimensions of Pediatrics, Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, editions 10-17, 1975-2004, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia.