Joseph A. DeFraites, FNP-C, AE-C
Nurse Practitioner

Joseph DeFraites MSN, APRN, FNP-C is an advanced practice nurse practitioner from New Orleans, Louisiana. He graduated from Delgado Charity School of Nursing with an associate degree, a bachelor’s at University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a master's degree from Southeastern Louisiana University. He is Certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB) and the National Asthma Educator Certification Board (NAECB). Working exclusively in New Orleans since 2003, he has patient care experience in pre-hospital emergency medicine (paramedic), ER and ICU nursing. After graduating in 2018, he practiced wound medicine before joining the Department of Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care and Environmental Medicine in 2021. His interest is in clinical research related to environmental, social and medical treatment modalities to help improve outcomes and quality of life for asthma patients. At the Tulane Asthma Center, he enjoys providing comprehensive patient care and coordinating multiple clinical trials for the School of Medicine.