Ross C. Klingsberg, MD
Associate Professor

Education & Affiliations
New Cystic Fibrosis medicine changing lives after testing in New Orleans
Dr. Klingsberg earned his medical degree from Tulane University School of Medicine and was elected into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society during his senior year. He did his internship at the University of Pennsylvania and his internal medicine, pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine residencies at Tulane University. He joined the faculty of Tulane University as an assistant professor in 2008 and became an associate professor in 2015. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases, and Critical Care Medicine. He is a past-president of the Tulane School of Medicine General Medical Faculty and has also served as chairman of the Grievance Committee. He serves on the Department of Medicine Peer Review Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Tulane Hospital Medical Executive Committee (non-chair member).
Dr. Klingsberg's main clinical interests are cystic fibrosis, non-CF bronchiectasis, mycobacterial diseases of the lung, exercise physiology, and critical care medicine. He is the director of the Tulane Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program and is the principal investigator on several clinical trials for cystic fibrosis treatment. In addition to weekly CF clinics, he has regular clinics at the Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals Wetmore Tuberculosis Clinic. He also has weekly general pulmonary clinics at the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System. He treats critically ill patients at Tulane Medical Center, University Medical Center of New Orleans, and the VA Medical Center in New Orleans. He is the ICU director of the VA Medical Center in New Orleans.
Dr. Klingsberg is vice chief for pulmonary medical education at Tulane School of Medicine and frequently lectures throughout the year. He is on the Test Material Development Committee for the USMLE Acute Care Section. He is the director of the 1st and 2nd year pulmonary modules and is co-director of the Mechanisms of Disease course at Tulane School of Medicine.
View Dr. Ross Klingsberg's publications at his PubMedpage.