Amruta Narayanappa, PhD

Research Scientist I

School of Medicine
Amruta Narayanappa, PhD


Dr. Amruta Narayanappa, Ph.D. is Research Scientist 1 in the Department of Neurosurgery at Tulane School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Dr. Amruta is working on developing novel therapies for ischemic stroke, vascular dementia, and pediatric traumatic brain injury. Dr. Amruta graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture followed by Master of Science and awarded INSPIRE-DST fellowship to pursue her doctoral degree at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. After her Ph.D. she worked as a Research Technician in the Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA and later Dr. Amruta worked as Lab Technician in Department of Pharmacology, Tulane University, Louisiana, USA Dr. Amruta has extensive research experience working on multiple research projects.