Lisa Molix, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

- Intergroup Relations
- Social Identity Threat
- Health and Well-being among Members of Marginalized Groups
- Social Disparities in Education and Health
Dr. Molix's interests lie with intergroup relations, health and well-being among marginalized populations, and the intersections among these areas.
Doyle, D. & Molix, L. (in press). Perceived discrimination and well-being in gay men: The protective role of behavioral identification. Psychology and Sexuality.
Talley, A., Kocum, L., Schlegel, R., Molix, L., & Bettencourt, B.A. (2012). Social roles, basic need satisfaction, and psychological health: The central role of competence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 155-173.
Schlegel, R., Manning, M., Molix, L., Talley, A., & Bettencourt, B.A. (2011). Predictors of depressive symptoms among breast cancer patients during the first year post prognosis. Psychology and Health, 1-17
Bettencourt, B. A., Molix, L., Talley, A., & Eubanks, J. (2007). Beneficial outcomes for minority and majority members: cross-cut role assignments within cooperative group settings. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 553-564
Bettencourt, B. A., Molix, L., Talley, A., & Sheldon, K. (2006). Psychological need satisfaction in social groups: Social roles as mechanisms for well-being. In T. Postmes and J. Jetten (Eds.) Individuality and the group: Advances in social identity. (pp. 196-214).
Bettencourt, B. A., & Molix, L. (2003). Satisfaction with health care and community esteem among rural women. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 3, 1-14.