He Wang, PhD

Assistant Professor, Global Environmental Health Sciences

Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
(504) 988-1081
Office Address
1440 Canal Street, Suite 2109 New Orleans, LA 70112
School of Medicine
He Wang, PhD

Education & Affiliations

PhD, Sydney University, Australia
MBBS (MD), Baotou Medical College, China
Master of Medicine, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences/Shandong Medical University


My current research is toxicological assessment of airborne pollutants by cell culture methods and animal models. Carcinogenesis and mutagenesis of airborne particles on cells and animals is the main focus. Both coarse and nano-sized particles are being assessed to characterize their long term health effects. Lung epithelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells are the models used in my current research.

Another continuing research area is the identification of markers for lung cancer development in pre-malignant stage. A number of potential markers are being tested in sputum from dust-exposed workers. The relationship between lung inflammation and lung cancer is also being investigated. Preliminary data indicate that small molecules in exhaled air are not only potential markers of inflammation but also the potential indicators of lung cancer risk. Derivatives of nitric oxide and free radicles in induced sputum are also being measured to correlate with levels of inflammatory cytokines and growth factors.
Level of Instruction:



Occupational respiratory diseases; in vitro toxicity of nanoparticles; toxicological effects of airborne pollutants; health effects of oil spill disasters


Wang H, Shi Y, Major D, Engel A. Autophagy, apoptosis and increased reactive oxygen species induced by Corexit dispersants in human airway epithelial cells. Journal Of Toxicology and Environmental Health (accepted)

Yadav S, Anbalagan M, Shi Y, Wang F, Wang H. Arsenic inhibits the adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells by down-regulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and CCAAT enhancer-binding proteins. Toxicology In Vitro. 27:211-9, 2013

Major D, Wang H. How public health impact is addressed: a retrospective view on three different oil spills. Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry. 94:1-26, 2012.

Wang H, Shi Y, Major D, Yang Z. Lung epithelial cell death induced by oil-dispersant mixtures. Toxicology In Vitro. 26:746-751, 2012

Major D, Zhang Q, Wang G, Wang H. Oil-dispersant mixtures: understanding chemical composition and its relation to human toxicity. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 94:1832-1845, 2012

Liu X, Salter A, Thomas P, Leigh J, Wang H. Exhaled nitric oxide levels and lung function changes of underground coal miners in Newcastle Australia. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 73:1-8, 2010.

Yadav S, Shi Y, Wang F, Wang H. Arsenite induces apoptosis in human mesenchymal stem cells by altering Bcl-2 family proteins and through activation of caspase 3. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 244:263-272, 2010.

Shi Y, Wang F, Yadav S, Wang H. Endotoxin promotes adverse effects of amorphous silica nanoparticles on lung epithelial cells. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 73:748-756, 2010.

Yadav S, Shi Y, Wang H. IL-16 effects on A549 lung epithelial cells: Dependence on CD9 as an IL-16 receptor?. Journal of Immunotoxicology. Online 1-11, 2010.

Shi Y, Wang F, Yadav S, Wang H Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Cause Apoptosis in BEAS-2B Cells through the Caspase-8-Independent Intrinsic Pathway. Toxicology Letters. 196:21-27, 2010.

Wang F, Shi Y, Yadav S, Wang H. p52-bcl3 Complex Promotes Cyclin D1 Expression in BEAS-2B Cells in Response to Low Concentration Arsenite. Toxicology, 273:-12-18, 2010.

Lawson G and Wang H. Public Health implications of asbestos-mechanism of toxicity. Australian Environmental Health 7(4): 22-29, 2007

Combined effects of aging and toxic chemicals