Mollye M. Demosthenidy, JD, MHA
Clinical Associate Professor in Public Health
School of Medicine
The Program in Medical Ethics and Human Values Adjunct
Education & Affiliations
JD, Tulane University School of Law, 2007
MHA, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, 2007
BS, Louisiana State University, 2003
Areas of Expertise
Healthcare reform
Health Policy
Health law
Mollye Demosthenidy is a clinical associate professor in the department of global health management and policy. Her academic interests lie in healthcare reform; the role of law and policy in improving healthcare outcomes; and the intersection of law, politics, and healthcare policy. She teaches courses addressing health law and regulation, ethics, and health policy, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Prior to joining the faculty at Tulane, she practiced law at two New Orleans firms, focusing on regulatory and transactional issues faced by healthcare providers. She holds a JD and an MHA, both from Tulane University, and a BS from Louisiana State University.
View Dr. Demosthenidy's publications at PubMed.