Romy Vargas
SP Educator and GTA Trainer

Romy got her start in Standardized Patient methodology in 1997 when she answered an announcement on an actor's audition hotline in San Diego, CA. She soon began work as an SP at UCSD School of Medicine in La Jolla, CA and eventually became an SP trainer under the tutelage of then Director, Peggy Wallace PhD, a pioneer in SP methodology. She moved to New Orleans in 2004. After several months of working as an SP and Gynecological Teaching Associate (GTA) at the Tulane School of Medicine Standardized Patient Program, Romy was hired on as a full-time SP trainer/coordinator in 2005.
We all wear many hats in this profession, and Romy is currently the lead SP trainer and coordinator for all clerkship training and assessments as well as the entire class assessments T1/T3 H&P, T2 SCOPE and T3 TOSCE. She has been the GTA trainer since 2005.
Romy has been a member of ASPE (Association of Standardized Patient Educators) since 2005 and has served on several committees and on the Board of Directors. She has presented and collaborated on SP/GTA related topics at every yearly conference since 2006.
Her degree is in Theater, but she has always been interested in health sciences, especially food and nutrition. She is a volunteer at the Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine and has a blog about food and music called "Sing for My Supper." Romy is a professional Jazz vocalist and also MCs a weekly Burlesque show.