Ian Gold, MD
Chief Resident Internal Medicine & Psychiatry

Education & Affiliations
Hometown: Washington, DC and Takoma Park, Maryland
About: Ian claims he is known to ramble on about ending capitalism, anarchism, science fiction, the NBA, anti-psychiatry podcasts, and how Steve Wonder is better than the Beatles. He was a Posse Foundation Scholar at Grinnell College and loved his last four years in New Jersey at Rutgers before beginning his intern year with Tulane's Med Psych Program. He now lives in the 7th Ward. His favorite people include: Frantz Fanon, for his writing on the psychological impacts of racism and colonialism, and his decision to join the Algerian revolution for independence when simply being a psychiatrist wasn't enough; Judith Herman, for her insight that trauma is political and thus healing/recovery is a political act of resistance; and, Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart for her work on healing from historical trauma among Native American communities.
Professional Interests: Ian is interested in how structural oppression and trauma affect our mental and physical health. He hopes to one day be a PCP for people dealing with homelessness and mental illness.