Connie Porretta, BS, I, SCYM (ASCP)
Instructor and Director
Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Lab
School of Medicine
Microbiology Immunology

Education & Affiliations
B.S. James Madison University
Graduate Studies Tulane University
Immunology Technologist, American Society of Clinical Pathology-I(ASCP)
Specialist in Cytometry, American Society of Clinical Pathology-SCYM(ASCP)
The Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting (FCCS) facility in the department of Microbiology provides state-of-the-art education, training and service to researchers within the Tulane community and beyond. Applications include analysis and sorting of immune subsets and fluorescent-reporter expressing cells, DNA content, multi-plex bead assays and functional assays. Expert assistance with experimental design and data analysis, as well as instrument training, are available at no charge.
Instrumentation includes the BD FACSAria Fusion (BSL2-capable) cell sorter with 11 fluorescent channels, and the BD LSR Fortessa analyzer with 13 fluorescent channels.