Brian Deskin, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Dr. Deskin obtained his PhD in 2016 from the Tulane Biomedical Sciences program where he studied TGFβ signaling and HDAC6 functions in non-small cell lung cancer. Dr Deskin received postdoctoral training at the NIEHS in the Epigenetics and Stem Cell Biology Laboratory and researched the functions of transcription factors in regulating pluripotency in embryonic stem cells. In 2019, Dr. Deskin pursued postdoctoral training at the Harvard School of Public Health’s Molecular Integrative Physiological Sciences program. There he studied the transcriptional determinants of the developing alveolar epithelium. He joined the faculty of Tulane School of Medicine in 2021.
Dr. Deskin’s research focuses on alveolar epithelial and stromal crosstalk as it relates to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Dr Deskin’s long-term goal is to develop mechanism-based, clinically relevant interventional strategies for preventing or curing IPF. Using genetic engineered mouse models, donor-derived alveolar organoid systems, and precision cut lung slices as platforms to investigate molecular mechanisms central to disease pathogenesis, Dr. Brian Deskin hopes to accelerate the development of novel interventions to treat lung disease.
View Dr. Brian Deskin publications here.