Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) is a technique that allows scientists to lift specifically targeted cells from a section of heterogeneous tissue, leaving behind unwanted cells that could contaminate the molecular purity of subsequent analysis. Protocols have been developed and optimized for acquisition of high-quality RNA and DNA from both frozen and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Many different types of molecular analyses have been successfully performed on cells procured by LCM, including genomic analyses (such as LOH, CGH, DNA methylation, and FISH), gene expression analysis (i.e., RNA analysis), and proteomic analysis.
Our instrument is the latest version of ArcturusXT™ microdissection system based on Nikon Eclipse-Ti-E invert microscope, equipped with phase contrast and fluorescence illumination system, DCIM, and petri dish stage (accommodate 50mm×7mm Petri culture dish). ArcturusXT™ offers a unique combination of infrared (IR) laser–enabled laser capture microdissection and ultraviolet (UV) laser cutting in one platform. Gentle IR laser ideal for capture of single cells and small numbers of cells, and UV laser offers unprecedented speed and precision optimal for dense tissue structures and capturing large numbers of cells. ArcturusXT™ permits the use of both plain glass slides and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) membrane slides for samples preparation. While plain glass slides are effectively used for standard IR-based LCM, PEN membrane glass slides facilitate dual laser function for effective cutting of big areas. We strongly recommend the users to discuss with our technical staff about the sample preparation procedures before starting their experiments.
We provide following services and technical assistances for both FFPE and frozen tissue sample preparations for LCM:
- Tissue embedding
- Tissue sectioning
- Tissue slide staining
- LCM training with FFPE and frozen slides
- Provide reagents for dealing with LCM samples preparations and LCM-captured material for subsequent molecular analysis.
Please inquire with our technical staff for LCM on cultured live cells.
For more information, please contact Tyler Rorison 504-988-2208 or by email:
Individual investigators will be responsible for the cost of reagents and the standard histology processing fee.