Paul B. Gladden, MD
Associate Professor

Paul Gladden, a native of Washington DC, received a BS in Biology from Brown University. He then went to the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, where he received his MD. Following medical school in New York, Dr. Gladden completed his residency at Einstein / Montefiore, the busiest trauma hospital in NYC at the time. This experience in Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery led to his interest and completion of an Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery fellowship at MetroHealth Medical Center affiliated with Case Western Reserve University. While there and for many years afterward, he also served as a flight surgeon on Cleveland Metro Life Flight.
After becoming board-certified and subsequently recertified, he has been honored to be a board examiner for a decade. Other memberships include AOA, AAOS, ACGME Orthopaedic RRC, OTA, and the AO, where he holds multiple leadership roles, including being an AO member, faculty, committee chair, and trustee.
Of interest during his many years in Jacksonville, he graduated from the FDLE police academy and joined the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office SWAT team as an officer and a doctor.
After a successful 10-year tenure as the Tulane Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program Director, he was promoted to the Associate Dean of GME and the DIO (Designated Institutional Official) for Tulane University. This role has been a challenge much bigger than fixing fractures; however, it is as rewarding as he looks to help all residents and fellows get a great career started.
Dr. Gladden lectures extensively both nationally and internationally with a particular interest in Ballistics and Blasts effects on the Musculoskeletal System. At New Orleans’ only Level 1 trauma center, University Medical Center, he is currently the Hospital Center Director for Surgery and Surgical Subspecialties. He also has had numerous other roles in academics as well as clinical leadership at UMC including immediate Past President of the Medical Staff. Dr. Gladden is always happy to put his decades of experience to work as he continues to practice Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery treating complex fractures at University Medical Center and other Tulane medical centers.