Luis A. Balart, MD
Professor of Medicine

Dr. Balart received his medical degree from Louisiana State University in New Orleans, LA. He completed his internship at Charity Hospital in New Orleans, LA and finished his residency in internal medicine at the Naval Regional Medical Center in Philadelphia, PA. He completed two fellowships; the first in Gastroenterology from Oshner Medical Institutions and the second in Hepatology from University of Southern California. Dr. Balart served in the Medical Corps of the United States Naval Reserve for nearly 20 years. He has an active presence in the American College of Gastroenterology where he has held many positions including president and Chairman for the board of governors. Currently, he is a professor of Medicine at Tulane University where he serves as the section Chief of Gastroenterology & Hepatology at Tulane University.
Balart LA. Diet options of obesity: fad or famous?. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America. 34(1):83-90, 2005 Mar.
Zabaleta J. Camargo MC. Piazuelo MB. Fontham E. Schneider BG. Sicinschi LA. Ferrante W. Balart L. Correa P. Ochoa AC. Association of interleukin-1beta gene polymorphisms with precancerous gastric lesions in African Americans and Caucasians. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 101(1):163-71, 2006 Jan.
Hanauer SB. Sandborn WJ. Vakil N. Katz PO. Talley NJ. Rex DK. Hawes RH. Guda NM. Freeman ML. Keeffe EB. Balart LA. Best of DDW 2006. Reviews in Gastroenterological Disorders. 6(3):153-89, 2006.
Rao PN, Crippin J, Levine E, Hunt J, Baliga S, Balart L, Anthony L, Mulekar M, Raj MH. Elevation of serum riboflavin carrier protein in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatol Res. 2006 Jun;35(2):83-7. Epub 2006 May 18.
Everson GT. Balart L. Lee SS. Reindollar RW. Shiffman ML. Minuk GY. Pockros PJ. Govindarajan S. Lentz E. Heathcote EJ. Histological benefits of virological response to peginterferon alfa-2a monotherapy in patients with hepatitis C and advanced fibrosis or compensated cirrhosis. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 27(7):542-51, 2008 Apr 1.
Rodriguez-Torres M, Jeffers LJ, Sheikh MY, Rossaro L, Ankoma-Sey V, Hamzeh FM, Martin P; Latino Study Group, Araya V, Bala K, Balart L. Peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin in Latino and non-Latino whites with hepatitis C. N Engl J Med. 2009 Jan 15;360(3):257-67
Morris JD, Diamond KA, Balart LA.; Do probiotics have a role in the management of inflammatory bowel disease?. J La State Med Soc. 2009 May-Jun;161(3):155-9.
Feagans J, Victor D, Moehlen M, Florman SS, Regenstein F, Balart LA, Joshi S, Killackey MT, Slakey DP, Paramesh AS.; Interstitial pneumonitis in the transplant patient: consider sirolimus-associated pulmonary toxicity. J La State Med Soc. 2009 May-Jun;161(3):166, 168-72.
Florman S, Weaver M, Primeaux P, Killackey M, Sierra R, Gomez S, Haque S, Regenstein F, Balart L.; Aggressive resection of hepatocellular carcinoma with right atrial involvement. Am Surg. 2009 Nov;75(11):1104-8.
Balart LA, Lisker-Melman M, Hamzeh FM, Kwok A, Lentz E, Rodriguez-Torres M.; Peginterferon alpha-2a Plus Ribavirin in Latino and Non-Latino Whites With HCV Genotype 1: Histologic Outcomes and Tolerability From the LATINO Study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010 Apr 13.
Poat B, Hazari S, Chandra PK, Gunduz F, Alvarez X, Balart LA, Garry RF, Dash S.; Intracellular expression of IRF9 Stat fusion protein overcomes the defective Jak-Stat signaling and inhibits HCV RNA replication. Virol J. 2010 Oct 12;7:265.
Poat B, Hazari S, Chandra PK, Gunduz F, Balart LA, Alvarez X, Zhang Y, Holtzman MJ, Dash S.; SH2 Modified STAT1 Induces HLA-I Expression and Improves IFN-γ Signaling in IFN-α Resistant HCV Replicon Cells. PLoS One. 2010 Nov 17;5(11).
Sidhartha Hazari, Henry J Hefler, Partha K Chandra, Bret Poat, Feyza Gunduz, Tara Ooms, Tong Wu, Luis A Balart, Srikanta Dash.; Hepatocellular carcinoma xenograft supports HCV replication: A mouse model for evaluating antivirals. World J Gastroenterology. 2011 Jan 21;17(3).
Book Chapters
1. Balart LA: Cirrhosis of the Liver in: Current Clinical Practice, Messerli F. (Editor) W.B. Saunders and Company, Philadelphia, 1987, Pages 424-427.
2. Balart LA: Ascites in: Manual of Clinical Problems in Gastroenterology, Chobanian S. (Editor) Little Brown and Company, Boston, 1987.
3. Medical Care of the Transplantation Patient in Difficult Medical Management. Robert B. Taylor, M.D. (Editor) W.B. Sauders Company, Philadelphia, 1991.
4. Selection of Patients for Liver Transplantation in Medical Clinics of North America, New Challenges in Internal Medicine. June 1992. W.B. Sauders Company, Philadelphia.
5. Balart LA: Myths in: Sugar Busters, Pages 44-45. Sugar Busters, LLC, publisher, 1995.