Amy Cunningham, MS, LDN, RD
Metabolic Nutritionist

Amy Cunningham is a Metabolic Nutritionist with the Tulane Hayward Genetics Center. She is a Registered Dietitian and holds an MS in nutrition with a minor in biochemistry. As part of the Tulane clinical genetics team, she has 15 years of experience in coordination of dietary treatment for children and adults with inherited metabolic disease. She also participates in Hayward research projects and teaching programs. Amy is a Founding Board member, and Past President of Genetic Metabolic Dietitians International (GMDI), the professional organization for metabolic nutritionists. She is a chair of the PKU Workgroup for the joint GMDI and Region 3 Genetics and Newborn Screening Collaborative project to develop updated evidenced-based treatment guidelines for metabolic diseases. She serves on several committees whose work is focused on treatment of PKU, including: an NIH initiative to develop consensus of treatment, a NORD initiative to enhance access to medical foods needed for treatment, and the ACMG committee to develop ACT sheets for transitioning to adult care. She has served as a consultant to Ross Metabolics in development of family guides for dietary therapy, and currently is a member of a dietitian's advisory board for BioMarin Pharmaceuticals and Merk-Serono.
Nutrition therapy in patients with heritable metabolic disease