THRCE ~ Faculty


Faculty members comprising the Tulane Hypertension & Renal Center of Excellence (THRCE) are from various different scientific backgrounds, but they work closely together in collaboration to put forth new ideas and focus their research on the further understanding of the basic mechanisms of hypertension and renal disease and on improving methods for diagnosis and treatment.

Jia 'Joe' Zhuo, MD, PhD
Jia 'Joe' Zhuo, MD, PhD
Director of THRCE
Professor of Physiology
Tulane School of Medicine



L. Lee Hamm, M.D.
Former Co-Director of THRCE
Senior Vice President & Dean
Professor and Chairman
Dept. of Internal Medicine
Tulane School of Medicine



L. Gabriel Navar, Ph.D.
Former Co-Director of THRCE
Professor and Chairman
Department of Physiology
Tulane School of Medicine

Tulane School of Medicine

Department of Physiology
Xiao C. Li, PhD
Andrei Derbenev, Ph.D.
Prerna Kumar, Ph.D.
Dewan S. Majid, M.D., Ph.D.
Kenneth D. Mitchell, Ph.D.
Kailash N. Pandey, Ph.D.
Minolfa Prieto, M.D., Ph.D.
Ming Li, Ph.D.
Ryosuke Sato, Ph.D.
T. Cooper Woods, PhD
Andrea Zsombok, Ph.D.
Chih-Hong 'Adam' Wang, Ph.D.

Department of Pediatrics
Samir El-Dahr, M.D.
Ihor Yosypiv, M.D.
Zubaida Saifudeen, Ph.D.

Department of Pharmacology
Sarah Lindsey, Ph.D.


Tulane School of Medicine

Department of Medicine
Section of Nephrology & Hypertension
A. Brent Alper, M.D.
Vecihi Batuman, M.D.
Jing Chen, M.D., MSc.
Kathleen S. Hering-Smith, Ph.D..
Myra A. Kleinpeter, M.D.
Kevin N. Krane, M.D.
Min Li, M.D.
Nazih L. Nakhoul, Ph.D.
Eric E. Simon, M.D.
Federico J. Teran, M.D.

Section of Cardiology
Patrice Delafontaine, M.D.
Gary E. Sander, M.D., Ph.D.
Sergiy Sukhanov, Ph.D.

Section of Endocrinology
Vivian A. Fonseca, M.D.

Tulane School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine

Department of Epidemiology
Jiang He, M.D., Ph.D.
Lydia A. Bazzano, MD, PhD, MPH

Ochsner Clinic Foundation

Richard Re, M.D.
Dinko Susic, M.D., Ph.D.

LSU Health Sciences Center

Department of Pediatrics
Section of Nephrology

Matti Vehaskari, M.D.

Department of Medicine
Efrain Reisin, M.D.

LSU Health Sciences Center

Department of Pharmacology
Daniel R. Kapusta, Ph.D.
Eric Lazartigues, PhD.
Kurt J. Varner, Ph.D.

Department of Physiology
Lisa Harrison-Bernard, Ph.D.