Meet Our Faculty by Research Area

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


Contact & Research Areas

Solange Abdulnour-Nakhoul, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Mechanisms of Esophageal Protection

Wei Chen, MD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

 Mechanisms of bone formation, bone resorption, skeletal development, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and aging diseases

Patrice Delafontaine, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Atherosclerosis, vascular biology, IGF-1, muscle wasting

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The research in my laboratory bridges genetics, cancer biology and developmental biology

Yan Dong, PhD

Yan Dong, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Mechanisms of prostate cancer progression

Jia Fan, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Developing and validating mass spectrometry-based strategies for marker discovery and development of non-invasive clinical diagnostics approaches that use blood or urine samples

Erik Flemington, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Noncanonical genomics and transcriptomics in viral cancers
and autoimmune diseases

Jeffrey S. Han, MD, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biology of retrotransposons

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Yuske Higashi, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Pathological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and aneurysm

Tony Hu, PhD

Tony Hu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Development of nanomaterial platforms and proteomic approaches that are designed to enrich biomarker capture from microbial pathogens

Chiung-Keui Huang, PhD

Chiung-Keui Huang, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Study molecular pathogenesis of liver malignancy

James Jackson, PhD

James Jackson, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The therapeutic response of breast cancers

Olan Jackson-Weaver, PhD

Olan Jackson-Weaver, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

The vascular effects of hemorrhage, specifically damage to the endothelial glycocalyx

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Lipid metabolism & transcription in development & tumorigenesis

Bilon Khambu, PhD

Bilon Khambu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Autophagy in hepatic metablism

Kim Sangkyu, PhD

Sangkyu Kim, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Building reliable predictive models of healthy aging and survival using various health data

Samuel J. Landry, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

CD4+ T-cell immune responses in model antigens and viral envelope proteins

Sean Lee, PhD

Sean Lee, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Finding therapeutic targets in incurable childhood cancer

Shitao Li, PhD

Shitao Li, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Role of innate immunity in viral infection, inflammation, and cancers

Yi-Ping Li, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Bone biology, musculoskeletal diseases, oral diseases, inflammatory diseases, tumorigenesis and cancer bone metastasis

Hong Liu, PhD
Home Department Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Regulation of chromosome segregation and stability

Xiaowen Liu, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Mass spectrometry based computational proteomics

Hua Lu, MB, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Cancer Biology, Mechanism, Metabolism and Drug Discovery on p53 & c-Myc

Arthur Lustig, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Chromosome structure and function

Joseph Mudd, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Our lab explores approaches to eradicate the HIV reservoir, and seeks to understand why currently-implemented HIV cure approaches face efficacy hurdles

Nazih L. Nakhoul, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Ammonium transport and renal regulation of acid-base balance

Bo Ning, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Molecular diagnosis for infectious disease and cancer

Kailash N. Pandey, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Determine the genetic and molecular basis of hypertension and cardiovascular disorders in age- and sex-dependent manner

Hee-won Park, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Synthetic and biological therapeutics development

Kislay Parvatiyar, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Antiviral host-defense and autoimmunity

Liya Pi, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Fibrosis in liver disease: mechanisms and targeting approaches

Zachary Pursell, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Regulation of DNA replication and how it relates to genome instability and human diseases

Nakhle Saba, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Targeting MALT1 in lymphoid malignancies


Ryosuke Sato, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Establishment of new human kidney organoids using iPS cells

Manesh K Panner-Selvam, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Suresh C Sikka, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction


Victor J. Thannickal, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of lung regeneration

Xiaoying Wang, MD, PhD
Home Department: Clincial Neuroscience Research Center

Molecular pathology of stroke, brain trauma, and dementia

William Wimley, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Fundamental principles of the folding and structure of peptides and proteins in membranes

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer


Tadashi Yoshida, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

The role of Angiotensin II to control food intake and skeletal muscle regeneration in cardiac cachexia

Zongbing You, MD, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Obesity & Prostate Cancer; Stem Cells & Cartilage Repair

Mourad Zerfaoui, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Significance of the mutant BRAFV600E localization in thyroid cancer and melanoma


Xiangming Zha, PhD
Home Department: Neurosurgery

"Brain acid signaling in ischemia and neurovascular regulation"



Contact &
Research Areas

Victoria Belancio, PhD
Home Department: Structural & Cellular Biology

Understanding molecular mechanisms of transposable elements interaction with their host and the impact these transposons have on human health through their contribution to genomic instability

David R. Crosslin, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Bioinformatics/Statistics; Precision Medicine Implementation

Prescott Deininger, PhD
Home Department: Tulane Cancer Center

Genetic instability in the human genome, particularly in cancer

Hong-Wen Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Studying -omics for diseases etiology/diagnosis/drug repurposing

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The research in my laboratory bridges genetics, cancer biology and developmental biology

Yan Dong, PhD

Yan Dong, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Mechanisms of prostate cancer progression

Jia Fan, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Developing and validating mass spectrometry-based strategies for marker discovery and development of non-invasive clinical diagnostics approaches that use blood or urine samples

Erik Flemington, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Noncanonical genomics and transcriptomics in viral cancers
and autoimmune diseases

Loren Gragert, PhD

Loren Gragert, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Immunogenomics and clinical informatics in transplantation

Jeffrey S. Han, MD, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biology of retrotransposons

Tony Hu, PhD

Tony Hu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Development of nanomaterial platforms and proteomic approaches that are designed to enrich biomarker capture from microbial pathogens

Sangkyu Kim, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Building reliable predictive models of healthy aging and survival using various health data

Jay K. Kolls, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Lung mucosal immunity to infection

Joseph A. Lasky, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Basic and clinical aspects of pulmonary fibrosis

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Non-coding RNA during host-pathogen interaction

Xiaowen Liu, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Mass spectrometry based computational proteomics

Heather Machado, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Breast Cancer Tumor Immunology, Mammary Gland Development, Tissue Resident Macrophage Function

Gilbert Morris, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Animal models of environmental lung disease

Joseph Mudd, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Our lab explores approaches to eradicate the HIV reservoir, and seeks to understand why currently-implemented HIV cure approaches face efficacy hurdles

Tianhua"Tim” Niu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Covid-19 statistical analysis; Transcriptome data analysis

Elizabeth Norton, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Mucosal immunology; vaccines; therapeutics for inflammatory bowel disease

Manesh K Panner-Selvam, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Hui Shen, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

(Epi)Genomics & metagenomics of osteoprosis and sarcopenia

Suresh C Sikka, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer


Biology of Aging


Contact &
Research Areas

Victoria Belancio, PhD
Home Department: Structural & Cellular Biology

Understanding molecular mechanisms of transposable elements interaction with their host and the impact these transposons have on human health through their contribution to genomic instability

Gregory Bix, MD, PhD, FAHA
Home Department: Clinical Neuroscience Research Center

The role and therapeutic potential of the extracellular matrix and its receptors in stroke and vascular dementia

Jorge A. Castorena-Gonzalez, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Lymphatic system dysfunction leading to cardiovascular diseases

Wei Chen, MD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

 Mechanisms of bone formation, bone resorption, skeletal development, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and aging diseases

Prescott Deininger, PhD
Home Department: Tulane Cancer Center

Genetic instability in the human genome, particularly in cancer

Patrice Delafontaine, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Atherosclerosis, vascular biology, IGF-1, muscle wasting

Hong-Wen Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Studying -omics for diseases etiology/diagnosis/drug repurposing

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The research in my laboratory bridges genetics, cancer biology and developmental biology

Elizabeth B. Engler-Chiurazzi, PhD
Home Department: Clinical Neuroscience Research Center

Inflammatory and immune system impacts to mental health and brain aging

Steven Hill, PhD
Home Department: Structural & Cellular Biology

Endocrine response mechanisms of breast cancer, in particular steroid hormone receptors; neuroendocrine influences on breast cancer

Prasad Katakam, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Cerebral & Peripheral Circulation, mechanisms of vascular dysfunction associated with insulin resistance

Amitinder Kaur, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Congenital CMV, maternal-fetal immunity, and vaccine protection

Sangkyu Kim, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Building reliable predictive models of healthy aging and survival using various health data

Joseph A. Lasky, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Basic and clinical aspects of pulmonary fibrosis


Hongbing Liu, PhD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Roles of histone deacetylases in kidney formation and kidney diseases

Arthur Lustig, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Chromosome structure and function

Andrew Maclean, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Activation and disruption of the blood-brain barrier in health and disease, specifically HIV infection

Ricardo Mostany, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Neuroplasticity of aging and neurodegenerative diseases

Elizabeth Norton, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Mucosal immunology; vaccines; therapeutics for inflammatory bowel disease

Liya Pi, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Fibrosis in liver disease: mechanisms and targeting approaches

Namita Rout, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Role of innate T cells in primate lentiviral infection


Hui Shen, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

(Epi)Genomics & metagenomics of osteoprosis and sarcopenia


Victor J. Thannickal, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of lung regeneration


Vicki Traina-Dorge, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Nonhuman primate models of pathogenic virus infections

Xiaoying Wang, MD, PhD
Home Department: Clincial Neuroscience Research Center

Molecular pathology of stroke, brain trauma, and dementia

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer

James E. Zadina, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Neurobiology of opiods and their receptors, acute and chronic pain, neuroinflammation, and development of novel analgesics

Mourad Zerfaoui, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Significance of the mutant BRAFV600E localization in thyroid cancer and melanoma

Qiuyang Zhang, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Impact of Aging on Prostate Cancer with Th17/Treg Disruption

Jia "Joe" Zhuo, MD, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Endocrine, paracrine, and intracrine angiotension II and its G protein-coupled receptor signal mechanisms in the proximal tubules of the kidney and blood pressure control

Andrea Zsombok, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Central regulation of autonomic functions in diabetes and obesity

Kevin Zwezdaryk, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

How cytomegalovirus manipulates metabolic pathways for replication



Contact &
Research Areas

David R. Crosslin, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Bioinformatics/Statistics; Precision Medicine Implementation

Hong-Wen Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Studying -omics for diseases etiology/diagnosis/drug repurposing

Jia Fan, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Developing and validating mass spectrometry-based strategies for marker discovery and development of non-invasive clinical diagnostics approaches that use blood or urine samples

Tony Hu, PhD

Tony Hu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Development of nanomaterial platforms and proteomic approaches that are designed to enrich biomarker capture from microbial pathogens

Bo Ning, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Molecular diagnosis for infectious disease and cancer

James Robinson, MD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Antibody responses to Cytomegalovirus, Dengue virus, and Lassa Fever Virus


Sergiy Sukhanov, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Role of DNA damage in atherosclerosis progression

William Wimley, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Fundamental principles of the folding and structure of peptides and proteins in membranes

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer

Cancer Biology


Contact &
Research Areas

Asim Abdel-Mageed, DVM, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Exosomes, stems cells, and prostate cancer health disparities

Muralidharan Anbalagan, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Breast Cancer research, circadian disruption by artificial light at night, bone metastasis

Victoria Belancio, PhD
Home Department: Structural & Cellular Biology

Understanding molecular mechanisms of transposable elements interaction with their host and the impact these transposons have on human health through their contribution to genomic instability

Jacob Bitoun, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Developing a safe and effective ST-toxoid vaccine candidate

Matthew Burow, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Discovery of novel therapeutic targets and models for breast cancer. Hematology/Oncology

Bridgette Collins-Burow, MD, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Identifying molecular mechanisms of breast cancer resistance and metastasis

David H. Coy, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Development of receptor antagonists for the bombesin receptors 1 and 3, which are of potential use in inflammatory lung disease and lung cancer

Srikanta Dash, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Biomarker development for early detection of liver cancer, especially in patients with cirrhosis

Prescott Deininger, PhD
Home Department: Tulane Cancer Center

Genetic instability in the human genome, particularly in cancer

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The research in my laboratory bridges genetics, cancer biology and developmental biology

Yan Dong, PhD

Yan Dong, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Mechanisms of prostate cancer progression

Erik Flemington, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Noncanonical genomics and transcriptomics in viral cancers
and autoimmune diseases

Loren Gragert, PhD

Loren Gragert, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Immunogenomics and clinical informatics in transplantation

Jeffrey S. Han, MD, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biology of retrotransposons

Steven Hill, PhD
Home Department: Structural & Cellular Biology

Endocrine response mechanisms of breast cancer, in particular steroid hormone receptors; neuroendocrine influences on breast cancer

Chiung-Keui Huang, PhD

Chiung-Keui Huang, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Study molecular pathogenesis of liver malignancy

James Jackson, PhD

James Jackson, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The therapeutic response of breast cancers

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Lipid metabolism & transcription in development & tumorigenesis

Bilon Khambu, PhD

Bilon Khambu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Autophagy in hepatic metablism

Samuel J. Landry, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

CD4+ T-cell immune responses in model antigens and viral envelope proteins

Sean Lee, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Finding therapeutic targets in incurable childhood cancer

Chenzhong Li, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Integration of modern engineering approaches for disease diagnosis and therapeutics

Ming Li, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Research of ion channels and diseases

Shitao Li, PhD

Shitao Li, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Role of innate immunity in viral infection, inflammation, and cancers

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Non-coding RNA during host-pathogen interaction

Hongbing Liu, PhD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Roles of histone deacetylases in kidney formation and kidney diseases

Xiaowen Liu, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Mass spectrometry based computational proteomics

Hua Lu, MB, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Cancer Biology, Mechanism, Metabolism and Drug Discovery on p53 & c-Myc

Arthur Lustig, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Chromosome structure and function

Heather Machado, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Breast Cancer Tumor Immunology, Mammary Gland Development, Tissue Resident Macrophage Function

Gilbert Morris, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Animal models of environmental lung disease

Tianhua"Tim” Niu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Covid-19 statistical analysis; Transcriptome data analysis

Hee-won Park, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Synthetic and biological therapeutics development

Kislay Parvatiyar, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Antiviral host-defense and autoimmunity

Liya Pi, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Fibrosis in liver disease: mechanisms and targeting approaches

Brian G. Rowan, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Estrogen receptor phosphorylation, circadian regulation of estrogen receptor function

Nakhle Saba, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Targeting MALT1 in lymphoid malignancies

Suzana Savkovic, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

 Role of the transcription factor FOXO3 in inflammation-mediated tumor growth, with a specific focus on the colonic epithelium and colon cancer

Tong Wu, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Mechanisms of hepatobiliary carcinogenesis and liver injury

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer

Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Fatty liver disease, metabolism, and cancer

Zongbing You, MD, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Obesity & Prostate Cancer; Stem Cells & Cartilage Repair

Mourad Zerfaoui, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Significance of the mutant BRAFV600E localization in thyroid cancer and melanoma

Haitao Zhang, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Targeting the androgen receptor (AR) signaling axis in prostate cancer intervention

Qiuyang Zhang, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Impact of Aging on Prostate Cancer with Th17/Treg Disruption

Cardiovascular Disease


Contact &
Research Areas

Gregory Bix, MD, PhD, FAHA
Home Department: Clinical Neuroscience Research Center

The role and therapeutic potential of the extracellular matrix and its receptors in stroke and vascular dementia

Jorge A. Castorena, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Lymphatic system dysfunction leading to cardiovascular diseases

David R. Crosslin, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Bioinformatics/Statistics; Precision Medicine Implementation

Srikanta Dash, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Early detection of liver cancer among patients with liver cirrhosis, biomarker development for early detection of cancer

Patrice Delafontaine, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Atherosclerosis, vascular biology, IGF-1, muscle wasting

Andrei V. Derbenev, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Investigates the involvement of the brain in the regulation of blood pressure


Suttira (Joy) Intapad, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Developmental programming of chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease

Olan Jackson-Weaver, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Vascular effects of hemorrhage, specifically damage to the endothelial glycocalyx

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Lipid metabolism & transcription in development & tumorigenesis

Prasad Katakam, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Cerebral & Peripheral Circulation, mechanisms of vascular dysfunction associated with insulin resistance

Xiao Li, MD
Home Department: Physiology

Physiological omics, G protein-coupled receptors, renal physiology, kidney tubular transport, experimental hypertension, kidney injury, transgenic mouse models

Sarah Lindsey, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Elucidating estrogen receptor pharmacology in the vasculature

Dewan S.A. Majid, MBBS, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Elucidation of the intrarenal mechanisms regulating renal hemodynamics and renal function

L. Gabriel Navar, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Renal Hemodynamics and Physiology, Experimental Hypertension, Reninangiotensin System

Kailash N. Pandey, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Determine the genetic and molecular basis of hypertension and cardiovascular disorders in age- and sex-dependent manner

Ryosuke Sato, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Establishment of new human kidney organoids using iPS cells


Sergey Sukhanov, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Role of DNA damage in atherosclerosis progression

T. Cooper Woods, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Impact of co-morbidities, such as diabetes and chronic kidney disease, on the progression of cardiovascular disease


Tadashi Yoshida, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

The role of Angiotensin II to control food intake and skeletal muscle regeneration in cardiac cachexia

Jia "Joe" Zhuo, MD, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Endocrine, paracrine, and intracrine angiotension II and its G protein-coupled receptor signal mechanisms in the proximal tubules of the kidney and blood pressure control


Xiangming Zha, PhD
Home Department: Neurosurgery

"Brain acid signaling in ischemia and neurovascular regulation"

Cell Biology


Contact &
Research Areas

Jorge A. Castorena-Gonzalez, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Lymphatic system dysfunction leading to cardiovascular diseases

Wei Chen, MD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

 Mechanisms of bone formation, bone resorption, skeletal development, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and aging diseases

Patrice Delafontaine, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Atherosclerosis, vascular biology, IGF-1, muscle wasting

Yan Dong, PhD

Yan Dong, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Mechanisms of prostate cancer progression

Jeffrey S. Han, MD, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biology of retrotransposons

Chiung-Keui Huang, PhD

Chiung-Keui Huang, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Study molecular pathogenesis of liver malignancy


Yuske Higashi, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Pathological mechanisms of atherosclerosis and aneurysm

Olan Jackson-Weaver, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Vascular effects of hemorrhage, specifically damage to the endothelial glycocalyx

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Lipid metabolism & transcription in development & tumorigenesis

Bilon Khambu, PhD

Bilon Khambu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Autophagy in hepatic metablism

Sangkyu Kim, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Building reliable predictive models of healthy aging and survival using various health data


Sean Lee, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Finding therapeutic targets in incurable childhood cancer

Chenzhong Li, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Integration of modern engineering approaches for disease diagnosis and therapeutics

Hong Liu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Regulation of chromosome segregation and stability

Hua Lu, MB, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Cancer Biology, Mechanism, Metabolism and Drug Discovery on p53 & c-Myc

Andrew Maclean, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Activation and disruption of the blood-brain barrier in health and disease, specifically HIV infection

Gilbert Morris, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Animal models of environmental lung disease

Joseph Mudd, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Our lab explores approaches to eradicate the HIV reservoir, and seeks to understand why currently-implemented HIV cure approaches face efficacy hurdles

Liya Pi, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Fibrosis in liver disease: mechanisms and targeting approaches

Nakhle Saba, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Targeting MALT1 in lymphoid malignancies


Ryosuke Sato, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Establishment of new human kidney organoids using iPS cells

Victor J. Thannickal, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of lung regeneration

Hongju Wu, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Pancreatic beta cell regeneration; regulation of glucagon secretion

Tong Wu, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Mechanisms of hepatobiliary carcinogenesis and liver injury

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer

Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Fatty liver disease, metabolism, and cancer


Tadashi Yoshida, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

The role of Angiotensin II to control food intake and skeletal muscle regeneration in cardiac cachexia

Zongbing You, MD, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Obesity & Prostate Cancer; Stem Cells & Cartilage Repair

Mourad Zerfaoui, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Significance of the mutant BRAFV600E localization in thyroid cancer and melanoma


Xiangming Zha, PhD
Home Department: Neurosurgery

"Brain acid signaling in ischemia and neurovascular regulation"



Contact &
Research Areas

Srikanta Dash, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Early detection of liver cancer among patients with liver cirrhosis, biomarker development for early detection of cancer

Jia Fan, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Developing and validating mass spectrometry-based strategies for marker discovery and development of non-invasive clinical diagnostics approaches that use blood or urine samples

Katie Hering-Smith
Home Department: Medicine

Epithelial transport biology and cell and molecular techniques using kidney tubule cell lines

Prasad Katakam, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Cerebral & Peripheral Circulation, mechanisms of vascular dysfunction associated with insulin resistance

Ming Li, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Research of ion channels and diseases

Franck Mauvais-Jarvis, MD, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Novel mechanisms and/or therapeutic perspectives for diabetes and of obesity especially as it relates to the role of estrogen and androgen in metabolic diseases

Nazih L. Nakhoul, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Ammonium transport and renal regulation of acid-base balance

L. Gabriel Navar, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Renal Hemodynamics and Physiology, Experimental Hypertension, Reninangiotensin System

Tianhua"Tim” Niu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Covid-19 statistical analysis; Transcriptome data analysis

Liya Pi, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Fibrosis in liver disease: mechanisms and targeting approaches

Xiaoying Wang, MD, PhD
Home Department: Clincial Neuroscience Research Center

Molecular pathology of stroke, brain trauma, and dementia

T. Cooper Woods, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Impact of co-morbidities, such as diabetes and chronic kidney disease, on the progression of cardiovascular disease

Hongju Wu, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Pancreatic beta cell regeneration; regulation of glucagon secretion

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer

Andrea Zsombok, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Central regulation of autonomic functions in diabetes and obesity

Drug/Vaccine Discovery & Delivery


Contact &
Research Areas

Asim Abdel-Mageed, DVM, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Exosomes, stems cells, and prostate cancer health disparities

Jacob Bitoun, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Developing a safe and effective ST-toxoid vaccine candidate


Louise Braud Lawson, PhD
Home Department:Microbiology and Immunology

Tailored formulations for drug and vaccine delivery

Shitao Li, PhD

Shitao Li, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Role of innate immunity in viral infection, inflammation, and cancers

Hua Lu, MB, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Cancer Biology, Mechanism, Metabolism and Drug Discovery on p53 & c-Myc

Janet McCombs, PhD
Center for Translational Research in Infection & Inflammation

Vaccine and therapeutic development for infectious disease

Lisa Morici, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

The development of next generation vaccines and adjuvants for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases as well as novel strategies to combat multidrug resistant infections

Elizabeth Norton, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Mucosal immunology; vaccines; therapeutics for inflammatory bowel disease

Hee-won Park, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Synthetic and biological therapeutics development

James Robinson, MD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Antibody responses to Cytomegalovirus, Dengue virus, and Lassa Fever Virus

Chad Roy, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Respitory health and the aerobiology of airborne infectious diseases

William Wimley, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Fundamental principles of the folding and structure of peptides and proteins in membranes

Hongju Wu, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Pancreatic beta cell regeneration; regulation of glucagon secretion

Environmental Sciences


Contact &
Research Areas

Victoria Belancio, PhD
Home Department: Structural & Cellular Biology

Understanding molecular mechanisms of transposable elements interaction with their host and the impact these transposons have on human health through their contribution to genomic instability




Contact &
Research Areas

Solange Abdulnour-Nakhoul, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Cellular and molecular physiology of the esophagus

Human/Molecular Genetics


Contact &
Research Areas

Victoria Belancio, PhD
Home Department: Structural & Cellular Biology

Understanding molecular mechanisms of transposable elements interaction with their host and the impact these transposons have on human health through their contribution to genomic instability

David R. Crosslin, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Bioinformatics/Statistics; Precision Medicine Implementation

Prescott Deininger, PhD
Home Department: Tulane Cancer Center

Genetic instability in the human genome, particularly in cancer

Hong-Wen Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Studying -omics for diseases etiology/diagnosis/drug repurposing

Erik Flemington, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Noncanonical genomics and transcriptomics in viral cancers
and autoimmune diseases

Loren Gragert, PhD

Loren Gragert, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Immunogenomics and clinical informatics in transplantation

Jeffrey S. Han, MD, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biology of retrotransposons

Yi-Ping Li, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Bone biology, musculoskeletal diseases, oral diseases, inflammatory diseases, tumorigenesis and cancer bone metastasis

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Non-coding RNA during host-pathogen interaction

Xiaowen Liu, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Mass spectrometry based computational proteomics

Tianhua"Tim” Niu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Covid-19 statistical analysis; Transcriptome data analysis

Kailash N. Pandey, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Determine the genetic and molecular basis of hypertension and cardiovascular disorders in age- and sex-dependent manner


Hui Shen, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

(Epi)Genomics & metagenomics of osteoprosis and sarcopenia

Infection and Inflammation


Contact &
Research Areas

Jacob Bitoun, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Developing a safe and effective ST-toxoid vaccine candidate

Gregory Bix, MD, PhD, FAHA
Home Department: Clinical Neuroscience Research Center

The role and therapeutic potential of the extracellular matrix and its receptors in stroke and vascular dementia

Stephen E. Braun, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

The intersection of gene therapy and hematopoietic stem cells

David R. Crosslin, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Bioinformatics/Statistics; Precision Medicine Implementation


Monica Embers, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Vector-borne diseases including Lyme and Bartonellosis

Elizabeth B. Engler-Chiurazzi, PhD
Home Department: Clinical Neuroscience Research Center

Inflammatory and immune system impacts to mental health and brain aging

Jia Fan, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Developing and validating mass spectrometry-based strategies for marker discovery and development of non-invasive clinical diagnostics approaches that use blood or urine samples

Tracy Fischer, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Role of microglia in neurodegenerative disease processes

Dahlene Fusco, MD, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Infectious Diseases. How type I interferons impair viruses and how variability in host response influences viral pathology

Robert F. Garry, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Development of modern immunoassays for Lassa fever and diseases cause by other highly pathogenic viruses

Tony Hu, PhD

Tony Hu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Development of nanomaterial platforms and proteomic approaches that are designed to enrich biomarker capture from microbial pathogens

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD

Jun-Yuan Ji, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Lipid metabolism & transcription in development & tumorigenesis

Amitinder Kaur, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Congenital CMV, maternal-fetal immunity, and vaccine protection

Jay K. Kolls, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Lung mucosal immunity to infection

Shitao Li, PhD

Shitao Li, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Role of innate immunity in viral infection, inflammation, and cancers

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Non-coding RNA during host-pathogen interaction

Andrew Maclean, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Activation and disruption of the blood-brain barrier in health and disease, specifically HIV infection

Dewan S.A. Majid, MBBS, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Elucidation of the intrarenal mechanisms regulating renal hemodynamics and renal function

Nicholas J. Maness, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Reseach Center

Virology, immunology, animal models of viral infection

Jennifer Manuzak, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Mucosal and maternal/infant immunity in HIV/malaria co-infection; immunity in substance-using people with HIV

Janet McCombs, PhD
Center for Translational Research in Infection & Inflammation

Vaccine and therapeutic development for infectious disease

James McLachlan, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

The role of the adaptive immune response to persistent bacterial pathogens to design better vaccines

Lisa Morici, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

The development of next generation vaccines and adjuvants for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases as well as novel strategies to combat multidrug resistant infections

Gilbert Morris, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Animal models of environmental lung disease

Joseph Mudd, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Our lab explores approaches to eradicate the HIV reservoir, and seeks to understand why currently-implemented HIV cure approaches face efficacy hurdles

Bo Ning, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Molecular diagnosis for infectious disease and cancer

Elizabeth Norton, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Mucosal immunology; vaccines; therapeutics for inflammatory bowel disease


Kislay Parvatiyar, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Antiviral host-defense and autoimmunity

Derek Pociask, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

The immune responses in the lung; specifically, in how aspects of the immune system can be exploited to reduce injury or promote repair during infection or injury

Jay Rappaport, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Current research focuses on SARS-CoV-2 with focus on pathogenesis, vaccines, and novel therapeutics

James Robinson, MD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Antibody responses to Cytomegalovirus, Dengue virus, and Lassa Fever Virus

John Schieffelin, MD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Viral immunology and pathogenesis

Manesh K Panner-Selvam, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Suresh C Sikka, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Chad Steele, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Immune responses to lung pathogens; immunopathology in asthma associated with fungal exposure

Ronald S. Veazey, DVM, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Immunology, prevention, and treatment of HIV infection and AIDS

Xiaolei Wang, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Immunopathogenesis of infectious diseases in pediatric hosts

William Wimley, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Fundamental principles of the folding and structure of peptides and proteins in membranes

Huanbin Xu, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Immunopathogenesis implicated in germinal center responses and epigenetic regulation, viral reservoir seeding, cure strategies for HIV

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer

Mourad Zerfaoui, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Significance of the mutant BRAFV600E localization in thyroid cancer and melanoma

Qiuyang Zhang, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Impact of Aging on Prostate Cancer with Th17/Treg Disruption

Kevin Zwezdaryk, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

How cytomegalovirus manipulates metabolic pathways for replication

Shannon Esher

Shannon Righi, PhD

Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Fungal pathogenesis and immunology; trained immunity; host-pathogen interaction

Lung Biology and Pulmonary Disease


Contact &
Research Areas

Prasun Datta, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Elucidating the role of metabolism in HIV-1 biogenesis

Jia Fan, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Developing and validating mass spectrometry-based strategies for marker discovery and development of non-invasive clinical diagnostics approaches that use blood or urine samples

Jay K. Kolls, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Lung mucosal immunity to infection

Joseph A. Lasky, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Basic and clinical aspects of pulmonary fibrosis

Nicholas J. Maness, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Reseach Center

Virology, immunology, animal models of viral infection

Janet McCombs, PhD
Center for Translational Research in Infection & Inflammation

Vaccine and therapeutic development for infectious disease

Gilbert Morris, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Animal models of environmental lung disease

Bo Ning, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Molecular diagnosis for infectious disease and cancer

Derek Pociask, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

The immune responses in the lung; specifically, in how aspects of the immune system can be exploited to reduce injury or promote repair during infection or injury

Chad Roy, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Respitory health and the aerobiology of airborne infectious diseases

Chad Steele, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Immune responses to lung pathogens; immunopathology in asthma associated with fungal exposure

Victor J. Thannickal, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of lung regeneration


Yong Zhou, PhD

Home Department: Medicine

Biomechanical signaling in lung repair and regeneration, with a special emphasis on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)

Microbiology and Immunology


Contact &
Research Areas

Cariappa Annaiah, MBBS, MD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Translational medicine, developmental biology, and immunology

Amir Ardeshir, PhD, DVM

Amir Ardeshir, PhD, DVM 

Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology


Jacob Bitoun, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Developing a safe and effective ST-toxoid vaccine candidate

Stephen E. Braun, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

The intersection of gene therapy and hematopoietic stem cells

Srikanta Dash, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Early detection of liver cancer among patients with liver cirrhosis, biomarker development for early detection of cancer

Prasun Datta, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Elucidating the role of metabolism in HIV-1 biogenesis


Monica Embers, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Vector-borne diseases including Lyme and Bartonellosis

Elizabeth B. Engler-Chiurazzi, PhD
Home Department: Clinical Neuroscience Research Center

Inflammatory and immune system impacts to mental health and brain aging

Tracy Fischer, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Role of microglia in neurodegenerative disease processes

Erik Flemington, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Noncanonical genomics and transcriptomics in viral cancers
and autoimmune diseases

Dahlene Fusco, MD, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Infectious Diseases. How type I interferons impair viruses and how variability in host response influences viral pathology

Robert F. Garry, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Development of modern immunoassays for Lassa fever and diseases cause by other highly pathogenic viruses

Loren Gragert, PhD

Loren Gragert, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Immunogenomics and clinical informatics in transplantation

Tony Hu, PhD

Tony Hu, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Development of nanomaterial platforms and proteomic approaches that are designed to enrich biomarker capture from microbial pathogens

Amitinder Kaur, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Congenital CMV, maternal-fetal immunity, and vaccine protection

Woong-Ki Kim, PhD
Woong-Ki Kim, PhD
Associate Director for Research
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Jay K. Kolls, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Lung mucosal immunity to infection

Samuel J. Landry, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

CD4+ T-cell immune responses in model antigens and viral envelope proteins

Joseph A. Lasky, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Basic and clinical aspects of pulmonary fibrosis

Louise Braud Lawson, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Tailored formulations for drug and vaccine delivery

Chenzhong Li, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Integration of modern engineering approaches for disease diagnosis and therapeutics

Shitao Li, PhD

Shitao Li, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Role of innate immunity in viral infection, inflammation, and cancers

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Non-coding RNA during host-pathogen interaction

Nicholas J. Maness, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Virology, immunology, animal models of viral infection

Jennifer Manuzak, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Mucosal and maternal/infant immunity in HIV/malaria co-infection; immunity in substance-using people with HIV

Janet McCombs, PhD
Center for Translational Research in Infection & Inflammation

Vaccine and therapeutic development for infectious disease

James McLachlan, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

The role of the adaptive immune response to persistent bacterial pathogens to design better vaccines

Lisa Morici, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

The development of next generation vaccines and adjuvants for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases as well as novel strategies to combat multidrug resistant infections

Joseph Mudd, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Our lab explores approaches to eradicate the HIV reservoir, and seeks to understand why currently-implemented HIV cure approaches face efficacy hurdles

Bo Ning, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Molecular diagnosis for infectious disease and cancer

Elizabeth Norton, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Mucosal immunology; vaccines; therapeutics for inflammatory bowel disease


Antoninto T. Panganiban, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Replication strategies, pathogenesis, and antiviral approaches against emerging pathogenic RNA viruses

Kislay Parvatiyar, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Antiviral host-defense and autoimmunity

Derek Pociask, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

The immune responses in the lung; specifically, in how aspects of the immune system can be exploited to reduce injury or promote repair during infection or injury

Xuebin Qin, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Defining the roles of innate immunity such as complement and myleoid cells in the pathogensis of  cardiovascular disease and viral infection diseases such as HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-19

Jay Rappaport, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Current research focuses on SARS-CoV-2 with focus on pathogenesis, vaccines, and novel therapeutics

James Robinson, MD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Antibody responses to Cytomegalovirus, Dengue virus, and Lassa Fever Virus

Namita Rout, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Role of innate T cells in primate lentiviral infection

Chad Roy, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Respitory health and the aerobiology of airborne infectious diseases

Suzana Savkovic, PhD
Home Department: Pathology

 Role of the transcription factor FOXO3 in inflammation-mediated tumor growth, with a specific focus on the colonic epithelium and colon cancer

Chad Steele, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Immune responses to lung pathogens; immunopathology in asthma associated with fungal exposure


Vicki Traina-Dorge, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Nonhuman primate models of pathogenic virus infections

Ronald S. Veazey, DVM, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Immunology, prevention, and treatment of HIV infection and AIDS

Xiaolei Wang, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Immunopathogenesis of infectious diseases in pediatric hosts

William Wimley, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Fundamental principles of the folding and structure of peptides and proteins in membranes

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD

Xiaojiang Xu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Bioinformatics, Single cell sequencing, Spatial genomics, Immunology and Cancer

Kevin Zwezdaryk, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

How cytomegalovirus manipulates metabolic pathways for replication

Shannon Esher

Shannon Righi, PhD

Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Fungal pathogenesis and immunology; trained immunity; host-pathogen interaction



Contact &
Research Areas

Gregory Bix, MD, PhD, FAHA
Home Department: Clinical Neuroscience Research Center

The role and therapeutic potential of the extracellular matrix and its receptors in stroke and vascular dementia

Andrei V. Derbenev, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Investigates the involvement of the brain in the regulation of blood pressure


Monica Embers, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Vector-borne diseases including Lyme and Bartonellosis

Elizabeth B. Engler-Chiurazzi, PhD
Home Department: Clinical Neuroscience Research Center

Inflammatory and immune system impacts to mental health and brain aging

Tracy Fischer, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Role of microglia in neurodegenerative disease processes

Suttira (Joy) Intapad, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Developmental programming of chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease

Prasad Katakam, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Cerebral & Peripheral Circulation, mechanisms of vascular dysfunction associated with insulin resistance


Chenzhong Li, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Integration of modern engineering approaches for disease diagnosis and therapeutics

Sarah Lindsey, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Elucidating estrogen receptor pharmacology in the vasculature

Andrew Maclean, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Activation and disruption of the blood-brain barrier in health and disease, specifically HIV infection

Ricardo Mostany, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Neuroplasticity of aging and neurodegenerative diseases


Vicki Traina-Dorge, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Nonhuman primate models of pathogenic virus infections

Ronald S. Veazey, DVM, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Immunology, prevention, and treatment of HIV infection and AIDS

Xiaoying Wang, MD, PhD
Home Department: Clincial Neuroscience Research Center

Molecular pathology of stroke, brain trauma, and dementia

James E. Zadina, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Neurobiology of opiods and their receptors, acute and chronic pain, neuroinflammation, and development of novel analgesics

Andrea Zsombok, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Central regulation of autonomic functions in diabetes and obesity

Kevin Zwezdaryk, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

How cytomegalovirus manipulates metabolic pathways for replication


Xiangming Zha, PhD

Home Department: Neurosurgery

"Brain acid signaling in ischemia and neurovascular regulation"




Contact &
Research Areas

Jia Fan, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Developing and validating mass spectrometry-based strategies for marker discovery and development of non-invasive clinical diagnostics approaches that use blood or urine samples

Xiaowen Liu, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Mass spectrometry based computational proteomics

Manesh K Panner-Selvam, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Nakhle Saba, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Targeting MALT1 in lymphoid malignancies

Suresh C Sikka, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Renal Development and Disease


Contact &
Research Areas

Prasun Datta, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Elucidating the role of metabolism in HIV-1 biogenesis

Samir El-Dahr, MD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Genetic and epigenetic control of renal development

Katie Hering-Smith
Home Department: Medicine

Epithelial transport biology and cell and molecular techniques using kidney tubule cell lines

Xiao Li, MD
Home Department: Physiology

Physiological omics, G protein-coupled receptors, renal physiology, kidney tubular transport, experimental hypertension, kidney injury, transgenic mouse models

Hongbing Liu, PhD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Roles of histone deacetylases in kidney formation and kidney diseases

Dewan S.A. Majid, MBBS, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Elucidation of the intrarenal mechanisms regulating renal hemodynamics and renal function

Nazih L. Nakhoul, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Ammonium transport and renal regulation of acid-base balance

L. Gabriel Navar, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Renal Hemodynamics and Physiology, Experimental Hypertension, Reninangiotensin System

Minolfa C. Prieto, MD, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Renal physiology, experimental hypertension, role of intrarenal RAS in hypertension, angiotensin II-dependent hypertension

Ryosuke Sato, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Establishment of new human kidney organoids using iPS cells

T. Cooper Woods, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Impact of co-morbidities, such as diabetes and chronic kidney disease, on the progression of cardiovascular disease

Ihor V. Yosypiv, MD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Renin-angiotensin system in kidney development

Jia "Joe" Zhuo, MD, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Endocrine, paracrine, and intracrine angiotension II and its G protein-coupled receptor signal mechanisms in the proximal tubules of the kidney and blood pressure control

Signal Transduction


Contact &
Research Areas

Muralidharan Anbalagan, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Breast Cancer research, circadian disruption by artificial light at night, bone metastasis

Asim Abdel-Mageed, DVM, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Exosomes, stems cells, and prostate cancer health disparities

Jacob Bitoun, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Developing a safe and effective ST-toxoid vaccine candidate

Matthew Burow, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Discovery of novel therapeutic targets and models for breast cancer. Hematology/Oncology

Bridgette Collins-Burow, MD, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Identifying molecular mechanisms of breast cancer resistance and metastasis

Patrice Delafontaine, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Atherosclerosis, vascular biology, IGF-1, muscle wasting

Chiung-Keui Huang, PhD

Chiung-Keui Huang, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Study molecular pathogenesis of liver malignancy

Olan Jackson-Weaver, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Vascular effects of hemorrhage, specifically damage to the endothelial glycocalyx

Bilon Khambu, PhD

Bilon Khambu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Autophagy in hepatic metablism

Sean Lee, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Finding therapeutic targets in incurable childhood cancer

Hua Lu, MB, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Cancer Biology, Mechanism, Metabolism and Drug Discovery on p53 & c-Myc

Kislay Parvatiyar, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Antiviral host-defense and autoimmunity

Brian G. Rowan, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Estrogen receptor phosphorylation, circadian regulation of estrogen receptor function

Manesh K Panner-Selvam, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Nakhle Saba, MD
Home Department: Medicine

Targeting MALT1 in lymphoid malignancies

Suresh C Sikka, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Translational Proteomics & Bioinformatics of Male Reproduction

Xiaoying Wang, MD, PhD
Home Department: Clincial Neuroscience Research Center

Molecular pathology of stroke, brain trauma, and dementia

Hongju Wu, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Pancreatic beta cell regeneration; regulation of glucagon secretion

Tong Wu, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Mechanisms of hepatobiliary carcinogenesis and liver injury

Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Fatty liver disease, metabolism, and cancer

Zongbing You, MD, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Obesity & Prostate Cancer; Stem Cells & Cartilage Repair

Mourad Zerfaoui, PhD
Home Department: Surgery

Significance of the mutant BRAFV600E localization in thyroid cancer and melanoma


Xiangming Zha, PhD
Home Department: Neurosurgery

"Brain acid signaling in ischemia and neurovascular regulation"

Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine


Contact &
Research Areas

Asim Abdel-Mageed, DVM, PhD
Home Department: Urology

Exosomes, stems cells, and prostate cancer health disparities

Stephen E. Braun, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

The intersection of gene therapy and hematopoietic stem cells

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD

Wu-Ming Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The research in my laboratory bridges genetics, cancer biology and developmental biology

Loren Gragert, PhD

Loren Gragert, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Immunogenomics and clinical informatics in transplantation

Bilon Khambu, PhD

Bilon Khambu, PhD
Home Department: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Autophagy in hepatic metablism


Hongbing Liu, PhD
Home Department: Pediatrics

Roles of histone deacetylases in kidney formation and kidney diseases

Heather Machado, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Breast Cancer Tumor Immunology, Mammary Gland Development, Tissue Resident Macrophage Function

Jay Rappaport, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Current research focuses on SARS-CoV-2 with focus on pathogenesis, vaccines, and novel therapeutics


Ryosuke Sato, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Establishment of new human kidney organoids using iPS cells

Hongju Wu, PhD
Home Department: Medicine

Pancreatic beta cell regeneration; regulation of glucagon secretion

Zongbing You, MD, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Obesity & Prostate Cancer; Stem Cells & Cartilage Repair

Qiuyang Zhang, PhD
Home Department: Structural and Cellular Biology

Impact of Aging on Prostate Cancer with Th17/Treg Disruption

Women's Health


Contact &
Research Areas

Hong-Wen Deng, PhD
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics and Genomics

Studying -omics for diseases etiology/diagnosis/drug repurposing

Suttira (Joy) Intapad, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Developmental programming of chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease

Amitinder Kaur, PhD
Home Department: Microbiology and Immunology

Congenital CMV, maternal-fetal immunity, and vaccine protection

Sarah Lindsey, PhD
Home Department: Pharmacology

Elucidating estrogen receptor pharmacology in the vasculature

Heather Machado, PhD
Home Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Breast Cancer Tumor Immunology, Mammary Gland Development, Tissue Resident Macrophage Function

Jennifer Manuzak, PhD
Home Department: Tulane National Primate Research Center

Mucosal and maternal/infant immunity in HIV/malaria co-infection; immunity in substance-using people with HIV

Minolfa C. Prieto, MD, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Renal physiology, experimental hypertension, role of intrarenal RAS in hypertension, angiotensin II-dependent hypertension

Andrea Zsombok, PhD
Home Department: Physiology

Central regulation of autonomic functions in diabetes and obesity